578 Words2 Pages

Pancakes are kind of flat cake or flat bread baked most often in a frying pan. Depending on country of origin, there are lots of different names besides pancake – hotcakes, flapjacks or griddlecakes in United States, crêpes in France and blintz or blini in Eastern European countries. The ingredients vary too, in some recipes there are rising agents like baking powder or yeast, while in other they are made without them. Pancakes can be served filled with savory or sweet filling. Weather they are big and thin as a paper or small, round, sponge like and fluffy, people all over the world enjoy in that simple, warm and sweet dessert.


These are thin and delicate French pancakes. If you find yourself wandering through the center of Paris, you'll tumble into street sellers and numerous crêperies. The crêpes can be eaten as a savory dish or a dessert. For the sweet ones, you can choose among fruit jams, different creams and unavoidable popular Italian chocolate and hazelnut spread (you know which one!).

Crêpe Batter

Flour 100 g
Salt ½ teaspoon
Eggs 3
Egg yolk 1
Milk 175 g
Water 7...


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