Owl Creek Bridge Suspense

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“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce, a short story about a Civil War soldier, Peyton Farquhar from a town in northern Alabama who endures a sentence to be hanged because of a Federal scout from the North. Throughout Bierce’s short story, various techniques of suspense is portrayed. Techniques equivalent to foreshadowing, flashbacks, setting, and non chronological order of events.
First, throughout the sequence of events, Bierce obtains suspense through the nostalgia of Peyton Farquhar’s life previous to his sentence of how he is a “well-to-do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family,” as well as his work “being a slave owner, and like other slave owners a politician he was naturally an original secessionist and ardently devoted to the Southern cause.” During this period of the story the suspense builds because a soldier arrives to Farquhar’s home asking for a drink of water. The soldier proceeds to tell …show more content…

He confuses the reader by revealing very slight information about Farquhar in part I, and does not reveal who Farquhar really is until part II, Bierce reveals that Farquhar is a “well-to-do planter” and a “slave owner...devoted to the Southern cause,” Bierce also does not reveal why Farquhar endures a punishment. The non chronological order of events also generates the reader to feel sorry for Farquhar, until close to the end, when the truth is revealed on who he really portrays to be.
Suspense is generated in multiple ways. Flashbacks, setting, and the unorder of events are just sparse examples that suspense is established throughout “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.”Bierce is very ingenious at creating suspense throughout this story, there are other approaches of suspense such as the mixed emotions in Farquhar’s

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