Overview of the Atkins Diet

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Atkins diet formed in 1963 was mainly the solution for the increasing obesity problem in the United States. It is based on the concept of eating the right kind of food high in proteins while cutting down the intake of carbohydrate which would transform the body from a carb-burning to a fat-burning machine. Dr. Atkin claims his Atkins diet program as "the amazing no-hunger weight-loss plan that has helped millions lose weight and keep it off" (Atkins).To begin it is important to know what Atkins diet actually includes. It mainly works on the principle of Ketosis. The diet program is divided into four phases. First phase is known as the induction phase that is considered to initiate the weight loss, it includes no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day are to be consumed and encourage the intake of proteins and good fats, while cutting down fruits from your diet. The second phase is of ongoing weight loss where the foods that were cut down are included again in the diet. The third phase is where you take more control of your diet and add good carbohydrates to maintain the healthy lifestyle and the final fourth phase is where you reach the target weight and still stick to the carbohydrate restrictions that keeps weight under control. This seems to be a quicker way to reduce weight but as every program this has its advantages as well as disadvantages. The advantage is that it is very filling due to intake of more proteins and keeps weight under controls it also has the disadvantage that cuts down the essential nutrient of our body that is the carbohydrates. There have been many problems reported with this diet that includes heart disease, kidney failure and high cholesterol. Atkins diet includes all the attractive food and still... ... middle of paper ... ...ohydrate leads to low blood sugar which in turn leads to other diseases. Our body is programmed to work together and as one thing get In conclusion, Atkins diet may show a lot of positive effects in the beginning but has worse long term effects. As carbohydrate is the fuel for or body and whatever we store today is what we will use in the later part of our life, there are many researches done on a low carb diet some show that it hast no effects some shows it has adverse effects on health and causes heart problem. Theses variations are simply because all humans are not the same some have more immunity some less, some cat eat 1000 calories and still stay in shape, so at the end it’s up to you. One cannot change its genetics but can choose a nutritious diet and try being healthy and energetic for a longer time rather than skinny and in bed in later half of your life.

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