Low Carb Diet Essay

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Lauren Wong HFA 4U0 Low Carbohydrate Diets Introduction A low carb diet is a meal plan that people follow, where all carbohydrates are cut out of every meal for the purpose rapidly losing weight. Many wonder whether low carb diets are healthy and beneficial, or detrimental to ones health. This report will explain many aspects of low carb diets, including a general overview, myths associated with low carb diets, short and long term effects, an overview of the most commonly practiced low carb diet, and the reason people start living this lifestyle. Overview Many women’s and men’s health magazines and products advertise the greatness and effectiveness of low carb diets, when in fact this diet can be dangerous to your health. It is required that the average women intakes 130 grams of carbohydrates each day, and the average male intakes 150 grams of carbs. This diet limits the intake to less than 30 grams per day. (Thrifty Living, 2014) When very little carbohydrates are consumed, the body responds by burning muscle tissue for the glycogen, or stored glucose it contains. The body also reduces the amount of blood sugar and insulin. When the glycogen stores start to run out, the body has nothing left to use as an energy source, thus resorting to burning fat. Though this is what people aim for, it is a very inefficient and unhealthy way to do so; and it complicates the production of blood sugar. The body has no source of glycogen, and therefore creates blood sugar via body fat. This process creates ketones, and puts the body in a state of ketosis. (Reader’s Digest, 2014) Essentially, ketosis is when fat is being used as the body’s main energy source, but has many side effects to it. Bad breath, fatigue, a metallic taste in the mouth, ... ... middle of paper ... ... these diets to rapidly lose weight to look good before a red carpet event, or to look like a role for a film. These diets are used for the sole purpose of their career, and not necessarily for their own personal benefit. Conclusion In all, low carb diets are not the best solution for weight loss. The health risks involved display a negative impact on the long term health and well being of individuals, and above all is not sustainable. They myths of low carb diets display that these diets are never beneficial for anyone, whether they diet for a short or long period of time. As well, people start living this lifestyle for the wrong reasons. Rapid weight loss is deemed as more important than any health risks involved. Based on all these facts, it can be concluded that living a low carb lifestyle will never promote a persons well being and overall health.

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