Overcoming Obstacles

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Most people in life that I would consider a loser, don't view themselves the same as I do. In my opinion there are many things that cause someone to be a loser. Many main causes of a loser to me consist of a lack of good morals, a person who doesn’t set goals, and a person who makes excuses for everything. If you take a person who is lacking good morals they tend to disrespect the rule that arguably every human knows, and that is the difference between right and wrong. The cause of bad morals makes a particular person unenjoyable to be around, and these people often cause trouble around others. I will argue that most people have decent morals and they will often become disturbed by the actions of someone with lesser morals, and this is a huge underlying problem that isn't blatantly obvious because it reaches back to the foundation people were raised on. The morals taught while being raised are …show more content…

In my honest opinion these people are complete losers. My main reason is the fact that most people that consistently make excuses are often running from the responsibilities they have. If you are always giving excuses, this means you are hoping the person you are talking to is willing, or dumb enough to overlook a responsibility you were given to complete. An excuse allows the person to feel comfortable with something they know they did wrong, showing a true coward in the person not able to face a particular problem. The reason these people are truly losers is because whenever I hear an "excuse expert" all I seem to get from their excuse is "reduce your expectations of me and this relationship". Showing that they don't value relationships, which in my life are among the most important of things. These people affect everyone around them and don’t realize how dumb they look, after time and time again they give the same old excuses. They leave you feeling that they just don’t want to try, and that hurts a

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