Overcoming Challenges in Channeary by Steve Tolbert

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In this novel by Steve Tolbert, we experience the life of a young girl by the name of Channeary. Channeary lives in a small fishing village in Cambodia. During her life, she faces many challenges, like the loss of her family to the ruthless Khmer Rouge soldiers. She overcomes many of the tragedies faced, but some still haunt her to this day. In this essay, I intend to explore several of those challenges, including how she overcame them.

The first major obstacle faced in Channeary?s life was when the ruthless Khmer Rouge soldiers invaded their small fishing village. They had selected a few people from the village to come forcefully with them. ??You, as Angkar?s Ancient People you will fully co-operate in battle to rid our land of reactionary capitalist filth and their imperialist supporters!?(1) Knowing the Khmer Rouge, they probably were killed. Later, they cleaned their village in silence. After cleaning, the villagers gathered around the Buddha figure and prayed. At this time, Channeary would have felt very scared that the soldiers might take her away, there was a feeling of discomfort and uncertainty in the mind of Channeary at that point in time. From the fear of the Khmer Rouge invading the village again, some residences were forced to leave for bordering Thailand. ?We must leave tonight...possibly to Thailand? Channeary?s mother said.(2) Most fled only for the welfare of their children. Channeary would have experienced great sadness when leaving her home that was full of her childhood memories with her family.

With the help of Mith constantly encouraging them, the villagers continuously pushed themselves. Many characters had began to get weak and weary resulting, to the lose lives.

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