Overcoming Adversity In High School

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I haven’t faced adversity that was so great, I needed an expert skill to come over it. I of course have faced smaller adversities, but I do know that they will arise and I will need the necessary skills throughout my high school years and my entire life to take care of them. I will take opportunities in high school to resolve and cope with adversity. Of course now I don't know what I will do because there will be a whole array of problems and issues and I won’t know what I will need to do. One adversity example I can think would be that I am struggling in a class the import test is coming up, and I am bound to fail it. If I was in this situation, I would first schedule times to go and study, then try to get another classmate to help me study. Even now I find this technique to work quite well. I take very high consideration in how I …show more content…

I believe we only have a certain amount of time to carry out your dreams and goals. Outside of the academic circle there is a whole world of opportunities and for a teenager, it can show us there is more out there than tests and homework. My interests outside of school, mostly include all things nature. Hiking is my favorite activity outside of school. Playing sports with my family is another great activity. Now most people wouldn’t look at me and think of me as the type to play sports, but it’s a great time to have fun and feel good. Playing tennis with my sister is very delightful, she is highly competitive, making me have to work very hard but, I know It is always worth it. I definitely want to continue with these activities throughout high school, they are very important to me. Activities in school are just as important to me because everyone in the school is

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