Out of the Silent Planet
By: C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis produced a book that conveys vivid scenery, relatable characters, and a vague but detailed plot that gave rise to a novel with wonderful clarity. Out of the Silent Planet is an account of the voyage of Ransom, a linguist, who is kidnapped and taken to another planet, Malacandra (Mars). Where he learns that Thulcandra (Earth) is called the silent planet because there has been no communication from it in years. On the voyage there he is led to believe he will be sacrificed. Instead, the creatures that inhabit the other world reveal extraordinary secrets about the nature of man and the universe to him. Ransom is ultimately sent back to Thulcandra with the two earthlings who had kidnapped him.
The book is told in such a way that trie...
What can you predict about the story from the back and front cover of the book?
"Dark Inside" takes place throughout the United States, but readers see the end of the world through different characters' eyes. It shows readers how people reacts to life-and-death situations. The people inside the book turns against each other, killing humanity little
The Great Silence is a short story written by Ted Chiang in 2014. The author uniquely uses a parrot as a narrator in this story which explains the slow disappearance of parrots, and why humans are ironically ignorant to this disappearance. Throughout the story, the satellite Aricebo is used a great deal to introduce how human’s actions are so ironic, and the Fermi Paradox, the unusual silence of the galaxy, is used the explain the seriousness of the parrot’s situation. Another name for the Fermi Paradox is The Great Silence, where this story gets its title. Along with these, Alex the parrot is referenced to strongly exhibit the abilities of parrots .After reading this short story, the reader comes to understand that the author and the parrot narrator are trying to kindheartedly warn humans of their ignorance of their own planet; specifically that that while humanity is searching the galaxies for communicative nonhuman life, this exact thing they are searching for is already on earth and dying out.
When he first wakes up on board the spaceship after being kidnapped, he is fascinated and also terrified by the odd occurrences caused by being in space. After overcoming his initial fear, Ransom asks Weston many questions regarding space, such as what star they are heading to. His curiosity overcomes even his own anger at being kidnapped, as he asks Weston why they have taken him but is much more interested in his current situation. Later, on the planet Mars, Ransom encounters an alien species known as Hross. Although initially fearful, his curiosity soon leads him to come closer to the creature, and Ransom is able to see that the creature is not merely animal but also intelligent. This leads to him travelling with the Hross to his village and befriending many of the strange seal-like creatures. Finally, during his journey with the Sorn Augray, Ransom asks many questions. He asks about the history of the planet, its species, and Oyarsa, showing his curious mind and his eagerness to learn
have both a sense of the importance of the wilderness and space in our culture
The documentary “Only God Could Hear Me” was interesting and beneficial in the same time. It showed me the life of non-speakers who use AAC devices, and how their lives become after use them. In the past, their communications were about saying yes or no by moving their heads or eyebrows. They did not have the ability to communicate as normal people. They were not able to express themselves and their feelings. They also could not say what they want to say. They were isolated and did not engage with others. However, after they used the AAC, every aspect in their lives changed. They are now able to interact with other people and making relationships. They also can talk about different topics and participate in any discussion. Moreover, they can play and enjoy
We are first introduced to Lewis, the narrator of Perelandra, in Worchester as he struggles to make his way to the cottage of the main protagonist, professor Elwin Ransom, a rather intelligent philologist. Upon arrival, Lewis is made aware of the constant presence of Maleldil, a supernatural being that supposedly created all the planets and those who inhabit them, as Ransom stresses his own importance in Maleldil's plan to save Perelandra from the bad eldila of Earth. With Lewis's assistance, Ransom is prepped for travel and returns over a year later, informing Lewis of his success. Lewis narrates Ransom’s tale, providing an outsider’s perspective into the Eden-like setting of Perelandra, where Ransom learns to walk on the water-like surface of the land and meets with the Green Lady, a green-skinned representation of Earth’s Eve. Despite the freedom and ownership she and the King bear on her world, she stresses to Ransom that Maleldil has willed it forbidden to spend the night on the single fixed land. Trouble surfaces with the arrival of a long lost acquaintance named Weston, who attempts to manipulate the Green Lady into disobeying Maleldil's commandment, determined to bring about the destruction of her kind. His torturous treatment of Perelandra’s creatures reveals him to be possessed by an evil, non-human force. Aware of the powerful influence of the Unman in Weston’s body, Ransom fights intellectual battles against the creature in order to dissuade the Green Lady and reveal Weston for what he truly is: the Devil himself. When it becomes clear to Ransom that he is losing the Green Lady’s faith, he loses hope in his ability to succeed in stopping the Unman. Maleldil reaches out to Ransom in the dark of the night, willing him to...
Have you ever looked up into the night skies and wondered what might be out there? One question I always wonder is where in the universe might there be a livable planet? Well the answer might be closer than you think, well actually 588 million kilometers away from earth. Jupiter of course is what I’m talking about. Fell first let’s ask the why we might move. Let’s face it earth is not going to be able to be habitable forever in fact ate the rate humans are polluting the atmosphere earth won’t be around that much longer. So might need a new place to live. So could the answer be Jupiter? Before that we need to know a little about the new planet and if it’s able to sustain life. Let’s start with the Jupiter’s history. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter was named after the king of the gods and Roman mythology. The ancient Greeks named the planet after Zeus, the king of the Greek pantheon. In 1610, a man that goes by the name “Galileo Galilei” was looking through his homemade telescope when he came across Jupiter. He notice four objects circling Jupiter and described them as "four fixed stars, totally invisible by their smallness" it was there were he discovered four large moons Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, which underwent several name change but are now known as the Galilean moons. This was the first time celestial bodies were seen circling an object other then Earth. Jupiter spins faster than any other planet, taking 10 hours to complete a turn on its axis, compared to that of 24 hours for Earth. This rapid spin makes Jupiter bulge at the equator and flatten at the poles, making the planet about 7 percent wider at the equator than at the poles. This is Jupiter and this is Jupiter next to the earth. Jup...
The feeling of the unknown continues when the reader discovers the cover below the jacket is all black with just the title and author centered in the upper half of the cover. No additional images are offered. The front jacket flap where a summary of the book is often found, interestingly tells about the origin of and inspiration for this particular book. The text is written in a mix of second and third person and tell “us” the reader that the answer to the mysteries contained within this book can be found in “our imagination.” The endpages are matte black, heavy
The conflict in the novel that most intrigued me was between Santiago and himself. Throughout the novel he almost gave up hope of ever finding his treasure. When he was robbed in the market place...
Billie Wind, a thirteen-year-old girl who is in the Seminole tribe and her clan is wind She has a very scientific mind and does not believe in the legends. “And it is told you doubt the that there are little people who live underground and play tricks on people.” As the councilmen say this Charlie Wind, Billie Wind’s uncle, sends her off into the Everglades. She is allowed come back until she has heard the animals talk. Billie Wind connects how science and her tribal legends relate.
In Deconnick and Leandro’s Bitch Planet, the men are dominating the world. They have more power over the women. Moreover, they do not care about them or give them a chance to rise. Instead, the men would rather satisfy their desires by creating standards for women to follow. This creates a barrier between genders because the selfish impulses of men restrict the ability of women to function. With this restriction, the opposite sex will soon find its way to fight against the ordeal of society. The women are looked down upon and scrutinized over their differences in opinion, appearance, and purpose in a society. Those that do not follow society's standards are called out in negative connotations that do not define them as an individual, such
This book is delightfully insightful in it is content. Lewis is the narrator of his story, which begins in Hell, a dreary town full of empty streets. Lewis uses a dream as the vehicle to carry his ideas. Lewis boards a bus for Heaven with other ghosts from the town. It is not until the last chapter of the book that the reader finds out that Lewis is actually having a dream.
One of C.S Lewis’s goals in writing Out of the Silent Planet, was to point out the flawed world we live in.
Out of the Silent Planet is a Science Fiction novel written by C.S. Lewis. This genre of writing holds a mix of different and similar characteristics as Lewis’ Narnia books. Differences including direct mentioning of religion, and similarities such as the narrating style. These show that though it is a different genre Lewis still leaves similar pieces in each book or set of books.