Osmosis in a Potato Investigation

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Osmosis in a Potato Investigation


I am going to investigate osmosis in potato chips placed in different

concentration solutions of sugar , the factor we are going to change

in the experiment is the concentration of sugar in each solution. I am

going to investigate the movement of osmosis through a semi permeable



I predict that in my experiment the rate of osmosis will decrease as

the amount of sugar in the solution increases , I predict that when

the potato chip is placed in the sugar solution the water inside will

leave due to osmosis and the chip will weigh less then when it entered

the solution. The more sugar that is in the solution the less water

there will be in the potato chip and it will weigh less , I predict

this because osmosis is the movement of water through a semi permeable

membrane , this separates solutions of different concentrations ,

water passes through an area of high concentration to an area of low

concentration , until the two are equal .If a cell is in contact with

a solution , with lower water than its own contents , the water leaves

the cell by osmosis , through the cell membrane .


In my experiment I will take 15 pieces of potato and cut them all to

the same size and weight and place them in different sugar solutions

and then I will record their lengths and weights after 30 minutes in

the solution . For safety goggles will be worn incase of any accidents

that may occur during the experiment. I will measure the amount of

solution placed in each flask to make it a fair test , I will also

measure accurately the length and weight of the potatoes so that there

will be no difference between them making it a fair test , each potato

will be cut to exactly 3 centimetres and weigh 2.5 grams .

Firstly we cut 15 bits of potato with the cork borer to make potato

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