Orthodox Society

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By insisting on complete orthodoxy is society only hurting itself? I believe when a society demands orthodoxy it is asking for problems. Orthodoxy to a small extent can be helpful to society, but when it is required by the people, and they demand it to the fullest it can do nothing but cause problems. There is many reasons whey complete orthodoxy only hurts society. First off, it greatly diminishes all forms of creativity among the people and doesn’t allow for new ideas that can help benefit society. It also reduces the overall intelligence of the people. When it comes to orthodoxy and religion, it can weaken the quality of worship and the person’s relationship with God. In general, orthodoxy in a way sets limits to progress and development of society and doesn’t allow new ideas to become accepted or acknowledged.

Orthodoxy is defined as what is traditional or the established faith in society. It is following what is the commonly accepted, customs and beliefs. The one thing that orthodoxy almost completely wipes out and discourages is creativity and new ideas that can be beneficial to society. Only traditional beliefs are accepted in an orthodox society. So even if a brilliant idea is introduced, it won’t be accepted just because it is new and different. The rate of progress among orthodox society is slowed greatly because of this. If we never accepted new ideas or anything not of the traditional beliefs, we would not be even close to where we are today. Our knowledge of life in general would be nothing like it is today. We are where we are today because of people who came up with new and crazy ideas. All of the great intellectuals were anything but orthodox in their beliefs. Many people who have helped society the most by new ideas and inventions were looked at as crazy during their lifetime. If we are accepting of new ideas it is the only way we are going to progress.

Complete orthodoxy also lowers our intelligence and acceptance of other people. When someone is only taught one way to do things, they are not educated of other ways of life. No one can truly be considered educated if they have only been taught one side of the story. Imagine if we were taught all our life that blacks or Mexicans are bad, and no other belief was accepted.

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