Tami Hensler
Mike Winter
1301 Composition I
29 April 2016
Pit-bull Position
Pit Bulls are not the aggressive breed that everybody makes them out to be. I can understand why there are some people who think that pit-bulls are just mean, but if you get past the looks, they are just big babies.
My oldest daughter had a pit-bull, best dog she owned. Was really good with both her boys and never acted aggressive towards anyone, all she wanted was for someone to pet her belly. I know that my daughter also trained her dog, and made sure she always had something for her to chase, and play with. Most pit-bulls need those stimuli to keep them preoccupied, otherwise they might chew on things.
Most people think that pit-bulls are an actual breed, but they are not, it is a mixture of breeds the American Staffordshire Terrier, and a Blue Blood Bulldog to name a couple. So people will think it's a pit-bull just by its looks. There are a number of breeds that have the "bully" look, but that doesn't make them a pit.
Some people think that pit-bulls are just naturally born to fight, they aren't, it is their owners who put them up to it. A dog weather it's a Rottweiler, Doberman or Pit, is completely loyal to it's owner and
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will do whatever is asked by said person. Dogs are smart, trustworthy, and love unconditionally and will do whatever it takes to prove that to their owners. There are some out there who believe that pit-bulls are just naturally aggressive, well they aren't, I have a Chihuahua more aggressive than any pit I have come across. Even according to the American Temperament Test Society Pit-bulls have a very high temperament passing rate of over 82 percent and Chihuahua was almost 70 percent that was as of February 2013. It's kind of funny the small dog is more aggressive than the one most people are scared of. Everyone has heard that Pit-bulls have a locking jaw, well according to one vet Al Stinson when asked the question about locking jaws stated he posed the same question to Dr. Sandy DeLahunta (the foremost dog neurologist if the country: as was given this quote; "There is no such thing as "jaw locking" in any Breed." So there goes that rumor out the window. If people were to do just a little investigation into a breed they might understand a little better. One animal behaviorist Richard Polsky PhD, CAAB who is also a dog bit expert states and I will quote "“In my experience as an expert on breed identification, various dog types have been erroneously misidentified as American Staffordshire Terriers or American Pit Bull Terriers, and when there is a mixed breed dog involved accurate identification becomes problematic. In my opinion, when percentages fall below approximately 75% for the American Pit Bull terrier or American Staffordshire terrier, I do not feel that it is possible to accurately assess the breed composition of a mixed breed dog based on appearance alone for the purpose of stating that the dog is partially American Pit Bull terrier or American Staffordshire terrier or a closely related breed.” So maybe we as a society should stop labeling every bully look-a-like as a pit. I do not like knowing that Pit-bulls get a bad rap just for looking aggressive, but I absolutely hate the owners of the dogs making them fight. I know there are people out there who love blood sports, but animals are not for blood sports, if you like animals and sports go watch a horse race, or better yet watch a turtle race. I fully recognize that there are those out there who have a legitimate fear of certain types of dogs, and that is due to something happening to them in their past that they just haven’t gotten over, and that’s ok. What I cannot fathom is how someone can just hate, or discriminate against an animal because it “looks aggressive”. It is just society putting yet another label on something that is not fully understood. There are Pit-bulls that do have a somewhat mean look to them, that doesn’t make them bad dogs. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that there are not pits out there that don’t act aggressive, or that don’t attack; but the reasoning behind those attacks are usually someone did something stupid, or the animal is scared. If you back almost any animal into a corner it is a possibility that it will attack, if you harass the animal it might attack, or even if it is trained to attack it might. There are too many issues at hand just to loop all pits into one group and say that’s it, they all are aggressive and mean. There are groups out there that are trying to raise awareness about the dog fighting issues, and they are trying to educate the American people not to judge a dog by its looks.
One of the better ones I found was www.realpitbull.com, they offer evaluations for shelter and rescue placement, they do education lectures, and even hands on training through their adoption program. There are many others, and most of them are trying to get the word out that Pit-bulls are not a type of dog that needs to be feared. They just want love and attention like any other child or animal. I think Cesar Millan said it best; "In the '70s they blamed Dobermans, in the '80s they blamed German shepherds, in the '90s they blamed the Rottweiler. Now they blame the pit
bull." I am a devout animal lover with having four dogs (3 rescue) and two cats, and seeing the way some animals especially pit bulls are treated makes me sick. My animals are my kids now, they deserve just as much love as I can give and so should any animal parent, if you are going to have any type of animal you need to take care of it. I will always be a voice to those who do not have one of their own.
The reason why Pit Bulls are aggressive is because it’s their nature and that’s the way they’re born. Everyone that is afraid of Pit Bulls says it’s the dog's fault and that it's their nature to fight and kill, but honestly it’s the owners fault for making them that way. “‘Though Pit Bulls have strong jaws and, like most dogs will hold onto their prey after biting it. There is no evidence that a Pit Bulls jaw are anatomically different from those of other breeds’”(Lallanilla). They are more likely than any other breeds to grab a hold of something and shake it. The reason why
Pit Bulls are not born with an aggressive nature as they are born like any other breed, and like any other dog, a Pit Bull will be loving, smart, and loyal, unless it is trained otherwise. The aggressive nature of a dog comes from the dog’s training. If a dog is trained to be loving and loyal, it will have a good temperament, however; if a
One reason people are so frightened of pitbulls is for their roles in street gangs. They are often used as what law enforcement has begun to deem, Are all pit bulls subjected to the life of gangs or forced into a fighting ring? No, but it is the dogs that are and have become violent because of their mistreatment that get in the media which leads to the public fearing all pit bulls.
The American Pit Bull is considered as a genuine breed because there are various breeds of pit bull that could have been mixed with other dogs. Pit bulls were raised for baiting larger animals during the hunting seasons. With the faithfulness of t...
Roughly about 30% of all dogs are pit bulls that are taken to shelters which depending on the area that figure can raise up to 60%. Not every pit bull rescued were a part of dog fighting but John Goodwin, of the Humane Society, says most of the dogs have scars and marks to show for their fights. The fate of these dogs remain to a judge that determines whether the fight dogs need to be euthanized. Since these dogs were trained to be aggressive and attacks other animals 9 times out of 10 they are to be put down. The dogs that haven’t been a part of dog fighting fit into a family and shows no sign of
The. Olsen, Kimberly R, and Julie K. Levy. Pit Bull Identification in Shelters. MaddiesFund.org -. University of Florida, 22 July 2011.
Even though pit bulls are the majority of dog attacks anybody hears about, they are loyal and caring dogs. All they want is the love and approval of their owners. They will do anything that they are told to do. Their strength, stamina, and speed fuel the passion they have for their owners. Pit bulls are not vicious by nature; they are good guard dogs fueled by the love for their family; and, they are definitely loyal friends. They have a lower temperament than many other well-known breeds; therefore, they are not vicious by nature at all. They are very strong guard dogs. Pit bulls are known to be a scary breed, so people stay away from them. They have an amazing amount of speed and stamina that they can use to chase predators away, too. Pit bulls are the best friends anyone could ask for. They are loyal and loving creatures that just want to please their family. They are good dogs to train to be around children. If the children are a part of the dog’s family, then the dog will protect the child at all costs. Pit bulls are a good breed to have as a family
I don't believe Pitt bulls are born to be mean. In every litter of pups that any breed of dog has there is one out of the litter that has a dominate side to it as well as one that is shy. Pit bulls are no different than the other breeds. Their master determines the behavior and aggressiveness, just as any other breed of dog's behavior. Pit bulls are gentle dogs if trained and raised properly. They like to be lap dogs as well as receive and give attention to their masters.
They are exceptionally tolerant with children. Most are very gentle and The American Temperament Test Society has found that well over three fourths of Pit Bulls passed temperament tests “which ranks pit bulls ahead of beagles, Airedales, bearded collies, and all but one variety of dachshund” (qtd. in Gladwell 40). Additionally, they rank slightly ahead of the all American golden retriever and the cocker spaniel (Skloot 197). Contrary to popular belief, they have never been bred to have aggression towards humans. Though they were and unfortunately continue to be bred to fight other dogs for entertainment purposes, it is difficult to blame the animal themselves. Clearly, negligent and irresponsible owners mold some of these animals to have dog aggressive temperaments. Because the Pit Bull has a high propensity to please their owners, are intelligent, and train easily, they can be dangerous in the hands of a bad owner. That said, so can hundreds of other breeds of dogs. The biggest myth about Pit Bulls is that they have a jaw that locks and is nearly impossible to retract. This is simply not true. Dr. I. Lerh Brisbin, Pit Bull expert and Senior Research Scientist with the Savanna River Ecology Laboratory, among others testified in
At this point they were most commonly referred to as “Bull Dogs”; originating from bull baiting, a sport they were suited to be good at. When this got outlawed in 1835 in England people found alternative ways to make money, this is where they came up with dog fighting “At this point, it seems likely that at least one and probably more strains of terrier were introduced into the breed to make it more "game".” (PitBulls, n.d.). A pit back then and now have been characterized by always having more aggression than any other animal. They made the better dog in their eyes to be able to have dog fights. That Pit bulls were only looked as a means of profit, not as a living thing. In Irish they described the Pits as “Old Family Dog” (PitBulls, n.d.). That they were the perfect dog for a family. They putting aside the aggression and prey drive they were extremely friendly towards
Indeed, this is one main stereotype, all pit bulls have in common; they will turn on their owners. Pit bulls will not turn on their owners unless they have been victims of animal abuse therefore, states should not pass a ban on pit bulls, animal shelters should give pit bulls more time for adoption, and pit bulls should be kept more as family pets instead of guard dogs.
Do you think that pit bulls are not safe? Pit bulls are only perceived to be unsafe . If they are perceived to be mean then they cannot get a fare chance . If they don't get a fare chance then more of them will end up in the shelter. If people cannot have pit bulls then they cannot be taken out of the shelters so that they do not have a fair chance. Pit bulls are safe to have and not unsafe.
When most people see a Pit bull, they think things such as “killer,” “mean,” or “danger!” It is because of this name calling that most Pit bulls are now banned in over half of Kansas. Truth is, Pit bulls aren't actually like that. In fact, they are proven to be among the most loyal and friendly dog breeds. Pit bulls aren't the problem, bad owners, bad publicity and their rough history are.
Pit bulls have the one of the strongest jaw power of any dog so when they attack it is close to impossible to make them let go of the victim because there jaws lock and they cannot let go. The owners can control on how the dog acts if you train it like a wild animal that is exactly what it is going to act like. For example the problem with people, not with pit bulls states “good dragons under the control of bad people do bad things”. That means the bad owners are raising the pit bulls to do atrocious things to other dogs or people. People take advantage of pit bulls because they are one of the strongest and their jaw power. Pit bulls are considered dangerous because the two breeds they are made of are fighting dogs which are bulldog and terrier and those are hunting dogs. Pit bulls are just like any other dog they can attack if you make them or they can be the greatest
There are over 150 different breeds of dogs. Pit bulls are known to be one of the top ten of the most vicious dogs that are on this planet. Are you aware of this? Do you think Pit bulls are dangerous? If so maybe this research could change your mind, or then again maybe not.