Organizational Change Essay

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One timeless factor that has impacted all industries and businesses to some level is the need to deal with and handle change. Change comes in many forms but change always comes and organizations must be able not only to survive change they should learn to manage and even thrive with change. In order to adequately manage change organizations must be able to handle change on two different levels. Organizational change, employee or workforce change. By learning and developing a plan to manage these change factors organizations increase their ability to have sustained success in whichever market they operate in.
Change happens in and at all levels of an organization. From the people who have charge to lead, to the people who are responsible for …show more content…

One way a good leader helps organizations handle change is by taking a real assessment of where the organization is beginning. Leaders must assess the current or future culture, capacity, commitment and capability of the organization (Campbell, 2014). The culture of an organization will either be conducive or resistant to change, and with the fact that change is inevitable working to create a culture encourages change is important. The next place a leader must assess is the capacity of their organization for change. Change capacity is the ability of an organization to successfully handle changes as they occur. Change capacity is highlighted by ongoing learning and adjustments that enable an organization to thrive in the midst of ambiguity and uncertainty (Ramezan, Mohammad, & Hassan, 2013). Change capacity does not happen organically, instead leaders must take actions to teach employees how to adjust to change and continue learning when the opportunity …show more content…

Having employees that are able to handle the organizational change is just as important as having a good change management plan. Employee selection cannot be underestimated when discussing change capability. Not all employees have the ability to process information quickly and efficiently and If the capability is lacking there will be issues. Capability might also be an issue from an organization’s infrastructure. In order to be able to handle change effectively an organization must have resources available to not only survive but thrive in change. For example, if a company is planning to change physical locations they must ensure that the new building has everything needed to help the organization go to a new level. Important factors like office space, internet connections and closeness to customers would all need to be factored into the organizations capability to handle the change. If not the change could have a negative impact on the organization. Lastly commitment can be the difference between a change culture and complaining stagnant culture. Organizations must gain a commitment to change from all

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