Opioid Receptors Lab Report

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Opioid receptors (MOR/DOR) work through G-protein coupled receptor by modulating different proteins which eventually inhibit excitatory neurotransmitters release from peripheral sensory neurons. Activation of MOR or DOR by its agonist promotes dissociation of trimeric Gi/o protein complex into Gα and Gβγ subunits which inhibits adenylyl cyclase and cAMP accumulation subsequently. Decreased cAMP accumulation inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitter by decreasing the Ca2+ influx into the neurons that blocks the conduction of nociceptive signal through the synapses (Stein et al. 2009).
Based on the mechanism of action of opioid receptors drawn in figure 1, another viable alternative assay to understand the receptor activity could be [35S]GTPγS binding assay that monitors G-proteins activation by agonist stimulation. G-proteins is the upstream of cAMP and directly activated by opioid receptors. Activation of G-proteins will clearly indicate the stimulation of opioid receptors by an agonist.

2. What does PGE2 stimulation model/represent in this system?

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However, the authors mentioned that the opioids receptors are constitutively desensitized under normal condition in peripheral sensory neurons. Therefore, opioid receptors typically remain unresponsive to an agonist. Tissue damage or inflammation by inflammatory mediators can diminish this unresponsiveness as well as stimulates cAMP accumulation. PGE2 is synthesized in response to inflammation in peripheral tissue damage which stimulates cAMP accumulation. Therefore, PGE2 stimulation represent peripheral nociception in this

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