Ophelia and Polonius

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Ophelia and Polonius

In this essay I will attempt to compare and contrast the relationship of Ophelia and Polonius in Shakespeare's play Hamlet, with the relationship my father and I have. I will analyze the similarities and differences between their relationship and ours to show how even though the play takes place in a much different time period, we still have things in common. First, I will characterize the relationship I have with my father. Next, I plan to define the relationship Ophelia has with her father Polonius in the story of Hamlet. Finally, I will discuss how the two relationships relate to one another.

Since I was young my father and I have had a fairly close relationship. As I have grown up he has continuously instilled important values in my life and continues to nurture my environment and support a productive lifestyle. In my teenage years we have however somewhat grown apart. We still talk but it has become harder to see eye to eye on more and more issues. The way our relationship goes is as follows. There will be a disagreement, we...

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