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Elements of operations management
The concept of total quality management
The concept of total quality management
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Recommended: Elements of operations management
In this submission three important concepts related to Operations Management and Business models will be explored. Areas of total quality management (TQM), six sigma, and the project triangle are important concepts for leaders to maintain and improve their operations management. In the submission relations to leadership, strategies of implementation, and biblical integration will be drawn for these three concepts.
Group Consensus Operations management is concerned with effectiveness and efficiency within an organization. It represents the planning, scheduling, and controlling of activities that transform inputs such as materials and labor into outputs such as products and services. ("Operations Management," n.d.) As the
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Developed at Motorola in the 1960’s to focus on defect reduction while increasing effectiveness and efficiency, six sigma works through a process termed DMAIC. DMAIC is an acronym that represents a five step process. The steps are define, measure, analyze, improve, and control with the goal being to improve a workflow or process. (Satterlee, 2013) Leaders who incorporate Six Sigma have the ability to achieve belts as in martial arts, ranging from yellow to a master black belt. For Six Sigma to deploy, leaders need to be in invested in this concept and should seek training before implementation. For leaders to implement six sigma there are two primary methods, training and consultation. Training involves formal education of employees in the concepts and certification followed closely by practice and implementation. With consultation organizational leadership may choose to bring in staff specifically focused on implementing improvements via six sigma. Company executives often call in Lean Six Sigma professionals when they are having trouble with the quality of the output their company has. The job of these professionals is to decrease waste and increase quality through the various tools and knowledge at their disposal. ("Five Principles,"
Operations refers to the transformation of raw materials(inputs) into finished products(outputs). The operations process is one of the key business functions and is a crucial component to business success. Like every business, Qantas is affected by many internal and external influences requiring it to have effective strategies to respond to these influences. Businesses that are able to adopt and utilise effective operational strategies are able to quickly adapt and either reduce or take advantage of these influences that impact the business. The effectiveness of these strategies can measured by Qantas’ performance and whether or not it is able to hold it’s competitive advantage. How well these strategies respond to the influences on operations will determine the level of success that Qantas achieves.
There are many people that benefit from Lean Six Sigma which include mainly customers, suppliers, employees, and also stockholders. Lean Six Sigma is a way for businesses to improve, to reduce waste and to become more successful. In the future, more and more organizations will adopt or practice some of the Lean, Six Sigma, or both in order to stay competitive in today’s market. In some cases, blending both Lean and Six Sigma can be costly and difficult; however the end result can create an organization that focuses on quality, accuracy, and speed to meet the goal which is profitability.
Operations management is essential for the survival and success of any organization. According to Heizer & Render (2011), operations management (OM) is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. Operations managers today contend with competition, globalization, inflation, consumer demand, and consistent change in technology. Managers must focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of processes such as cost, dependability, distribution, flexibility, and speed. The intent of this paper is to discuss the processes and operations management of the Kroger Company.
Barnard, W., De Feo, J. (2004). Juran Institute’s Six Sigma Breakthrough and Beyond. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies
Ebert Ronald J and Griffin Ricky W. (2011). Operations Management and Quality (8th edition) Business Essentials.(pp.128-132), Boston [Mass];London: Pearson.
The methodology of Lean Six Sigma is the merger of two business tools that includes Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma. Six Sigma focuses on improving current business processes and performance while Lean Manufacturing focuses on the improvement of the processes of an organization by using highly skilled employees to increase speed and quality. Combining the two methodologies creates an organization that focuses on quality, efficiency and speed to lower operational costs and increase profits. By following the Lean Six Sigma methodology, many companies have attempted to create a lean, waste-free environment ultimately at the expense of the employee and occasionally at the expense of the organization.
Operations management is that part of a business organization responsible for planning and coordinating the use of the organization’s resources to convert inputs into outputs. The operations function is one of three primary functions of business organizations; the other two are marketing and finance. The operations function is present in both service-oriented and product-oriented organizations. Operations decisions involve design decisions and operating decisions. Design decisions relate to capacity planning, product design, process design, layout of facilities, and selecting locations for facilities. Operating decisions relate to quality ass...
The Six Sigma approach was designed by Motorola in 1986. The primary objective of the concept was to develop a tool for tallying the process defects and, as the result, improving business operations. The foundations of the approach are the customer needs, statistical analysis of data and facts, and timely execution. The method promises numerous benefits such as increasing performance and profitability of an organization, improving product or service quality and employee morale, decreasing costs, the growth of market share, the higher level of satisfying customer needs, etc. (Meredith & Shafer, 2013). The primary advantage
Operations management focuses on carefully managing the processes to reduce and distribute products and services. Related activities include managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storages, logistics and evaluations. A great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Therefore, operations management often includes substantial measurement and analysis of internal processes. Ultimately, the nature of how the operations management is carried out in an organisation depends very much on the nature of products or services in the organisation, for example, retail, manufacturing, wholesale and etcetera.
Operations management strategies play an important role in any organization to achieve organizational goals. An organization uses these operations strategies to maintain and control all its operations...
Slack, N., Chambers, S., Johnston, R., Betts, A.,(2009). Operations and process management: Second edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
In every organization, different operational functions exist to ensure the smooth learning of the organization. In order for an individual to have the knowhow on how to operate the functions delegated to them they must have implicit knowledge on the functionalities themselves. Understanding markets, customers and the company goals has always proven to be a core starting point for individuals who ply their trade in the organization. The essence of the skills is evident in globalization, cooperate social responsibility and risk management issues. In operations management, the basic principles of operations should be followed to ensure that the profitability of the organization ensures the operation of the organization is
University of Phoenix(Ed.).(2003) Operations management for competitive advantage[University of Phoenix custom edition e-text]. New York: McGraw-Hill. Retrieved February 01, 2005, from university of phoenix, Resource, MGT554- operations management website: https://mycampus.phoenix.edu/secure/resource/resource.asp
In operation management a great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Efficiency is when processes are being completed at the lowest cost possible. Effectiveness is having the right processes that will create the most value for the company. In addition, operations processes depend solely on the decisions made by management. When management makes decisions, the concept of ethics comes in to play. Managers who fail to provide leadership and incorporate systems that facilitate ethical conduct share responsibility with those who knowingly benefit from corporate misdeeds. Executives who ignore ethics run the risk of personal and corporate liability.
Operations management have play an important roles for the entire company structure, operation management are define as the set of activities that by transforming inputs into outputs in the form of goods and services ( Heizer J. & Render, B, 1999). For an efficient and effective successful operations management processes it have to identify market ,planning ,monitoring, staffing, leading and control resources and creating competitive advantages priorities for adding value to organizational business. In another words, as operations management major in three major functions of an organization. First, what kind of goods and services to produce for making a surplus profit for the organization. Second, an operations management also