Ideal Layout Of Operations Management

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Operations management have play an important roles for the entire company structure, operation management are define as the set of activities that by transforming inputs into outputs in the form of goods and services ( Heizer J. & Render, B, 1999). For an efficient and effective successful operations management processes it have to identify market ,planning ,monitoring, staffing, leading and control resources and creating competitive advantages priorities for adding value to organizational business. In another words, as operations management major in three major functions of an organization. First, what kind of goods and services to produce for making a surplus profit for the organization. Second, an operations management also …show more content…

(2) Managing the product and services quality, to monitor and control the quality standard of the product and make customer satisfaction and loyalty. (3) Process and capacity design to identify the process and what capacity will these product require and what technology necessary for the production. (4) Location strategy , which the operation manager have to define the company more toward which buyer is , example like for services company the idea location is in the target customer be in and goods company are more towards to supplier.(5) Layout strategy , management need to identify which ideal layout for the organization. (6) Human resource and job design, the manager have to figure out need hired how many of employee and provide them a safety environment. (7) Supply chain management, that product should be completed production by own or from supplier. (8) Inventory, material requirements planning that manager have to set an idea inventory need that efficient sell to customer needs and wants. (9)short-term scheduling for some specific seasoning of business, example like in the festival season for service based company have more requirement on employee and (10) maintenance security to build a …show more content…

The stronger of an supply chain are the link among the internal organization factor are more systematic as a tools for gaining the most desirable result. (STONKUTĖ, 2015) The key success of supply chain management, organization have to creating value and established goals for own shareholders and customer as the performance in well managed and controlled. From the study of (Christopher, M. & Peck, H. , 2004), they distinguish to improve the well effciency of product flows from the raw materials for production processed through to deliveres finished goods to the final consumer in marketplace. According to (Christopher, 2005) resumes ,supply chain management defined as “ the management relationship among upstream and downstream with own organization suppliers, distributors and end customers to achieve the greater of customer value at minimium cost. The well link relationship among each upstream or downstream partnership the successful of a supply chain management in an

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