Online School

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Online school programs is where student goes online to do his/her school instead of going to a school with the building with other students. I totally disagree with idea of online school. Even though the online school might be more convenient for most parents the there are many aspects of this idea that need to be brought up as well. Things such as the cost of the online school, the lack of social interaction with other students and after school activities, and also making sure the student actually does the work honestly without being academically dishonest is just a few of the many ways that the online school is not such a good idea. By reading this letter I hope that you are able to realize that there are better option than ordering online school for your child.

First, you have to take in account that the online school cost money. This is a hinderance that doesn’t need to happen if you just sent your kid to a public or free school. I’m taking these online courses online right now and the cost of the lessons were very expensive. Even if you think that by paying this you are giving your child better education than a public school you are …show more content…

Ultimately not being in face to face contact with other people will make children socially awkward and make it hard to make friend outside of the outside world. Also the fact that many relationships start in school and school dances and after school activities such as clubs, and sports are not active in online school programs these student are missing out on these things, which no student should ever miss out on. In the student’s future years they may have to do job interviews and interact with others at work. They will not be equipped with the social skill they need to have a good interview and get the job the want. No matter how smart you are you need social skill to get through

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