Online School

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If given the option, would most children talk to friends face to face or through a phone? What about with their teachers, face to face or through a phone? Online schooling is a program where students stay home and learn studies through a computer. To contact a teacher students can often call, email and sometimes text. This newer way of learning is bad for students because they miss seeing friends, and often, computers mess up grades. On the other hand many say online schooling gives students the choice of when to learn. Something important to understand when enrolling a child in an online school, is that they will miss chances to talk to friends. This upsets many children which in the end affects their grades. According to a study done at the University of the Potomac, more than 70% of students report doing better in a classroom than on a computer. This is the majority of the students claiming that they do better in classrooms. Since a teacher is not there to motivate the kids to do their best, they procrastinate and get bad grades because of it. In addition to having no teacher, they also have no peers. This lack of socialization leads to problems in the future, especially when applying for a job. Most jobs …show more content…

A study done at the University of the Potomac states that 37% of online students were the first in their families to attend college. This shows that online schooling prepares students for the real world better by teaching them time management. And for those who are less prepared, online school is convenient. More than 80% of undergraduates have transfer credits ( if they take part in online school. This proves easier for online students to get back to their education, if they ever want to. However, even after so many benefits, online school still has many

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