One Teacher's Inspiration

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My view of Literature is that it is the soul to the imagination. I may be mistaken, but that is the beauty of literary words; there is no truth, no right nor wrong in them, yet they hold just about everything to learn on life. Miss Judy Brown, my form four English teacher, has really inspired me in indispensible ways. She is definitely one in a billion.

Before meeting Miss Brown, I had absolutely no interest in Literature. She is a tall, slender, blonde woman, with many life experiences: from working in South Africa during apartheid times, and surviving breast cancer. Before my introduction to her, the only subjects I considered worthwhile to read were science and history as I was hopeless at annotating poems, let alone understand a phrase written by Shakespeare. Also, reading a fictitious book bored me to death. Because of the school rules, I was forced, without any way out, to do a subject I had no idea how to work around for Cambridge final exams. I was terrified when I found out. It took a few hours to accept that there will be D grades in all my report cards.

During my fi...

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