One Of The Hardest Things I had To Do - Original Writing

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One Of The Hardest Things I had To Do - Original Writing

As we drove from the peaceful, secluded surroundings of Hertfordshire

into the bustling hub of Heathrow's Terminal 4, it suddenly dawned on

me how hard it would be for me to carry out this feat…

It was the time I was most looking forward to. We had finally been

allowed out of the school gates into our eight weeks of freedom. No

work had to be handed in the next day, no teachers would moan how over

worked, under paid they were and most of all it was not the winter.

After careful deliberation my family and I decided to spend our

two-week vacation in the all night city of Paris. We were looking

forward to the 35oC weather, the theme parks built inside the over

developed hotels and one of the greatest wonders of the world, the

Eiffel tower. The hotel we wanted to stay at was called the Jolly

Hotel Lotti. This hotel was like no other hotel I had ever seen. Not

only did it have its own built in theme park with log flumes, roller

coasters and any other ride imaginable but it also had twenty to

thirty shops and restaurants all inside. To put it mildly, it was


On the 21st August, about a week before we left, we received a letter

from the hotel's theme park. It told us that for one day only, they

would be offering a free ride on the 'Screamer', for anyone who raised

more than £150 in sponsorship. Only when I watched the enclosed video

in astonishment, did I realize what this 'ride' was. It was something

I had always wanted to do, but had never managed to convince my

parents that it was safe. I found out that it was the first bungee

jump that allowed anyone over the age of nine to fly through the air

at an exhilarating 80 mph at a g-force of 2.5, so you could understand

what my parents' reaction would be to my interest.

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