One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Analysis

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I chose to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey for my research novel and I’m currently on page 100. The story is told from the perspective of Chief Bromden-a cagey, half-Native American patient in a mental hospital-in a stream of consciousness style. Assumed to be deaf and incapable of speaking by the patients and hospital staff, Bromden exposes and details the deplorable abuse the patients of the hospital endure, which the public does not see. Thus far, Bromden describes how the newly admitted Randle McMurphy pulls antics such as resisting the hospital’s set time schedule, launching butter at a clock, and persuading Dr. Spivey to convince Nurse Ratched to hold a carnival for the patients in order to rebel against Nurse Ratched’s

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