On The Influencer: The Three Signs Of A Miserable Job

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Why is it a good idea to use both the Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change and The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (and their employees) when teaching future leaders and managers? Clearly, to present to these leaders with methods of improving their effectiveness with regard to motivating their employees. Both books present different styles of motivating employees. The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers, is a story about a hard- working man, Brian Bailey, who worked his way up the corporate ladder. He eventually reached the status of CEO, he achieved success at the position and retired. He was not used to not working and found himself starting a project to keep himself busy and became a part owner/ manager of a restaurant. Brian learns about what is important about being a …show more content…

Lencioni’s book points out “a direct supervisor needs a genuine, personal interest in an employee, in order to increase that employee’s satisfaction and fulfillment.” Brian learns that are three factors that will make employees miserable on their job: irrelevance, immeasurement and anonymity. Brian discovers that “everyone needs to know their job matters to someone. Anyone” (Lencioni, 2007). If people do not feel that they matter, they will feel irrelevant and will lack job satisfaction. He also concluded that if employees feel “invisible, generic or anonymous” they will not be fulfilled on the job because they feel they don’t matter (Lencioni, 2007). Finally, Brian realized if employees “need to be able to gauge their progress and level of contribution for themselves. Without a tangible means for assessing success or failure, motivation

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