Oil and Gas Procurement and Contracting

518 Words2 Pages

Oil & Gas (Energy) are the top commodities that have been in question for many years. How long will these resources last? What will do in the long run when resources start to twiddle down? It is the age old question of supply and demand from a procurement perspective. This is a matter of understanding from inside an organization what it takes to fulfill the supply and demand of the industry. Having the right resources to find and implement a plan is necessary when trying to achieve a plan of sourcing the supply, understanding the market place, finding the competition and analyzing the supplier.
All business are in need of supply and understanding the function that is necessary when developing a business can help gage the physical input of the quality and the overall functionality of the supply role. Having the right factors in supply can give us a better understand of the timing and quality. For example, to help stream line the quality of supply companies must set guidelines and performance meters to ensure the productivity and investments. This allows for less risk in knowing the av...

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