Off Campus Lunch Essay

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When it comes to the controversial topic of off campus lunch, several authoritative figures jump to conclusions concerning the negative impacts and dangers of the opportunity. However, there are a multitude of benefits that derive from this privilege; seniors heading to college need to learn responsibility, time management, and accountability; with the introduction of off campus lunch, all of these essential life skills are present and positively reflected throughout the entire student body.
The opportunity of off campus lunch institutes a fundamental base of trust between the students and the school, validating that “educators and administrators in a school system want to establish and nurture the best relationships possible with the students” …show more content…

Unfortunately, a few won’t.” However, these possibilities are present every school day whether off campus lunch is an option or not. There is nothing holding kids back from leaving school whenever they want other than the consequences that they will face later on, so it shouldn’t be any different if an off campus lunch program is instituted. A main factor that is present alongside kids not returning to school is students getting hurt: “Regulating the safety of the students is one of the most important considerations a school must face on a day-to-day basis… the notion of letting kids leave the grounds for lunch is something that fills parents and educators alike with a strong sense of trepidation.” Nevertheless, school traffic would be just as busy, if not less busy, when students are leaving and returning for lunch than it is when going to or leaving school because it is only a small fraction of the student body that will meet all of the criteria and actually be able to drive. Students who do not meet certain criteria based on grades, attendance, and disciplinary records wouldn’t be able to participate in off campus lunch also lessening the number of students. If schools are concerned about having kids leave campus who are not allowed to, then a system of identification, or passes, for the students who qualify can be given to the students that have earned the

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