Occupational Therapy Essay

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The increasing aging population and increasing prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases are two emerging health care issues that require a collaborative health care team, but also require a special need for occupational therapy. According to Statistics Canada it is the first time ever there are more individuals above the age of 65 than below the age of 15. The population growth rate for individuals over age 65 is faster than any other age cohort. This observed change is largely due to the generation commonly known as the “baby boomers”. The baby boomers are a large cohort of babies that were born within two decades, resulting in an increase in the population. In the coming years the baby boomer generation will be reaching the age of 65 and …show more content…

Therefore, many occupational therapists (Occupational Therapists) work with seniors after they have been affected by illness/disease, injury or cognitive deficits. As both the prevalence of neurodegenerative disease and the number of elderly individuals increases I firmly believe that Occupational Therapists hold one of the most important roles within the health care system - to improve the quality of life for those affected individuals. Neurological damage cannot be reversed; therefore therapy is the best way to compensate for the changes that are observed due to the disease. Occupational Therapists can provide patients with effective interventions involving new movement techniques and strategies to make daily activities easier.
By improving an individual’s movement and functional abilities it improves their independence and quality of life. Therefore, patients with neurodegenerative diseases are able to stay out of nursing home care longer thus, reducing health care costs. While occupational therapists provide support to children, adults and seniors I believe that in the coming years they are going to be extremely beneficial and effective to the health care system when focusing on the baby boomer

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