Obsession With Exercise and Diet

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Many people seem obsessed with exercise (or diet). When we gain weight, we are irascible "Irritable." and is always hard to, avoid all the negative things and, shameless emotion we have towards ourselves. When we are isolated, we scrutinize "examine closely and critically" about the way we have gained weight on the first place. Immediately, we start observing pictures of how our body used to look before, and star making comparison of how our body look's now. Gaining weight occurs for many reasons, and the process of gained weight works different in each one of us. Maybe we gained weight because of depression, or maybe we gained weight, because unwarily mistreating our body, by not taking care of it. Some of us have gained weight, by the transformation of our body. It is truism "self-evident" that our body goes through many changes (especially women's).

When we are unhappy, some of us begin to eat out of depression; Some of us eat out of stress; anxiety; nervous breakdown; among other things that happened to us through out the day. Some women realize a difference in their body, after having children, and "married." How does this changes happen? Simply, because our bodies restore all the rotund "fat and round" from the pregnancy, and at the same time, our hip expands so the womb is more open for the baby to be at ease, and this causes us to jump from couple of extra sizes on clothing. That is when we woman realize that we have to do something about our body, and that it would not be an easy task losing all this weight gained. As I mention earlier, weight gained process is different in each body. Some of us might lose the weight faster, while others lose it slowly, and few only lose one pound, because of the slow metabolism.


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...pills and surgery. I said to my self " if only I had an option such as, a cream that I can rub to my skin, and burn calories? I just found out a cream called "cutting gel" and is a gel that you rub into one part of the body that, you think it needs more work on, and you rub the gel for 45 seconds or until absorb, and then wait five minutes to do exercise, and what the gel does, it gets the fat clog into your body and push it to your blood stream to be burn as calories or energy. I am waiting to get the money to buy it, and I am praying the gel is effectual.

Truism "self evidence" is, there are more woman of curvy body than tenuous girls, "thin; slim; rare" but society on this generation makes it clear that appearance does count, and to be acceptable in society eyes, you have to be tenuous as flamingo's legs. This is why people are obsessed with exercise (or diet).

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