Observation And Reflection Of A Concrete Experience

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Experience is all what you need in the real life or real world where you do things, this experience can only be attained by doing some thing. I learnt something new and I got some experience in my field of work through this co-op.
Observations and Reflections:
Observation is the first part of learning something new, when you first see something which is new to you, the first thing the mind concentrate on is observing the whole work like how he does it. Through my co-op program I personally observed so many new things and I also learnt for the task to perform what are the skills I am lacking and what are my strengths and weaknesses in performing the particular task and how those observations can reflect in me and what are the changes I need to make myself to reflect in the exact position.
Development of Ideas:
With the points observed through the learning process one should develop some ideas of their own on how to become success and achieve their goals, as I am …show more content…

Abstract Conceptualization
4. Active Experimentation
It was said by Kolbe based on the ideas of Dewey that “Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (Dewey, 1964).
Kolb states that there are four stages of learning, which are as follows:
• Concrete Experience: Concrete Experience is useful to validate and test abstract concepts, immediate personal experience is the focal point for learning; learning and experiencing things provide concrete experience.
• Reflection: The learner should reflect things, which he learnt through his experience, it is the best way to show his experience on personal basis.
• Abstract Conceptualization: It is getting aware of the situations and concepts, which can be obtained, only through experience where you make the theories of your own.
• Active Experimentation: It is an entirely new way by which you solve your problems. You test your theories and come to a conclusion, whether your theories are working or

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