Obesity Proposal Essay

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Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that seems to be spreading across the country rapidly and affecting more than 35% of the U.S. population today. Considering that some people of the U.S. are almost too fat to move, they cannot exercise to help themselves to lose weight. Many of these people do not want to figure out another solution to their problems other than food, so, therefore, there is no easy cure for their obesity. Almost a third of the world is overweight; no country is immune to this terrible obsession with eating. Being a fellow lover of food, I propose that since the population of the world is already slowly becoming too fat to move, we might as well speed up the process by making everyone in the world overweight so that being obese is the normal body weight. Making everyone obese will not be an easy task but I think that if the food industries start secretly adding calories and sugars into foods that are considered healthy, then we could definitely have a chance at success.
My proposal will help the obese improve their self-confidence and help reduce their depression. About 25% of obese people are more likely to experience a mood disorder like depression and low self-esteem. Magazines, social media, and television have models and “perfect” women …show more content…

I think that if the food industry starts slowly adding more calories and sugar to healthy foods without including it in the nutrition facts on the back of the packaging, then no one will notice it. If people end up figuring out that the health food industries have been adding artificial sweeteners and extra calories into their health foods, consumers will refuse to buy their food and businesses will soon run out of money to make their food and close. With the companies like Hippeas, Halo Top, and Clif Bar running out of business, then less healthy food brands will be standing and people will be forced to buy food fast food

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