Introduction and Background Mentoring is a highly influential factor in the career development of nursing students. It serves as a pillar of support for the novice’s need to feel satisfaction and success as a professional nurse and also offers the experienced nurse an opportunity to contribute to the profession. With the anticipated shortage in nursing, it is important to explore factors such as mentoring that may contribute to career satisfaction and intent to stay in the profession. Study findings reveal that there are various advantages and disadvantages to implementing peer mentoring programs. The mentor needs to provide support and encouragement to the mentee students during this program. The results from these studies might provide pertinent …show more content…
There are at least three benefits to testing the efficacy of a mentorship programs on improving leader development. First, mentorship programs are likely to be more cost effective than traditional group-based interventions because they do not require contracted trainers, expensive keynote speakers, or other logistical resources. Second, the mentorship program focuses on leader development, many mentors will also improve as leaders and leader developers alongside their mentees. Third, applying the knowledge gained through mentorship will likely be easier than applying knowledge gained through group interventions because the actual work context is the focus. Those factors alone show that mentoring programs will greatly benefit not only students, but other organizations too (Lester, Hannah, & Harms, …show more content…
While, the article is well written, I believe that topic of mentoring still requires much more research because mentoring will be implemented into other practices. It is clear from the beginning of the article that this is not a simple issue. However, the author does a proficient job at explaining the issue and providing different solutions that can solve the problem. Reading this article has expanded my knowledge on the benefits of mentoring programs and how to implement them not only to students but in my practice too in the future.
In conclusion, mentoring programs will have many positive influences on nursing students. Nowadays, many students are considering dropping out due to how hard the curriculum may be or because they are unsure of their career choices. Having a mentor can lessen or even erase these worries. Studies have proven that have someone who is already in the field gives the student someone to relate to and rely on. It is going to take some time to implement these programs, but once it is done, I believe it will have a huge impact on many
The skills acquisition concept poses a backwards movement in progress. The competent nurse in this case steps backward down the ladder to the novice level as an NP. Moreover, learning new skills, knowledge, and methods of treatment may technically be a step forward in a person’s career, but it is a step backwards in confidence and experience. The transition theory suggests transition as a never-ending process. The success of this course depends on a person’s support system and methods for coping. The transition theory has three stages: moving in, moving through and moving out. The moving in stage would be entering graduate education. Moving through is the process of completing classes and clinical time. The final stage, moving out, is beginning the first position as an NP. Successfully transitioning through these stages is heavily reliant on support, self-awareness and coping mechanisms. For instance, failure to begin the transition phase in graduate school is a prediction of the inability to properly shift into the role of NP (Poronsky,
For example, a DNP degree instructor can provide education to MSN or DNP students, therefore, making the student realize the increase level of confidence in clinical, leadership, and application skills that can be gained with a DNP degree. Evidently, this increases the number of DNP degree holders in the long run which subsequently improves patients’ care in nursing practice. DNP- prepared faculty members can act as a model for advanced practice education (Dunbar- Jacob et al., 2013, p.425). Since one of the roles an ARPN is leadership, which also involves with mentoring, other staff members may visualize the ARPN as a role model, thus, enhancing the self-concept of advance nurse
As new nursing graduates begin the process of transition into the nursing practice. There are many challenges and issues which are associated throughout the transition. New graduates may embark their journey through a graduate program or seek employment solo. The transition period may consist of challenges, that students will encounter during their journey. This essay will identify, discuss and critically reflect nursing key challenges that student nurses may face, throughout the process of the transition phase. The nursing key challenges chosen for this essay include professionalism, preparation, personal factors, competency factors, patient- centered care and job satisfaction. These nursing challenges will be thoroughly discussed and supported by current evidenced based research and nursing literature.
There is little scientific knowledge when it comes to mentoring effects on future outcomes; in addition posing confusion as to how these programs continue to emerge. A major component in regards to program effectiveness is in measurement or evaluation of its structure (Deutsch, N., & Spencer, R., 2009). This is done by conducting surveys, focus groups, and interviews (Deutsch, N., & Spencer, R. (2009); Karcher, M., & Nakkula, M. (2010); Diehl, D. C., Howse, R. B., & Trivette, C. M. (2011); Osgood, 2012; Williams, 2011). Studies gives the researcher insight into knowledge that otherwise wouldn’t be known, in order to understand mentoring reactions and relationship styles better (Karcher, M., & Nakkula, M. (2010); Christens, B. D., & Peterson, N. A. (2012); Diehl et al., 2011; Leyton‐Armakan, J., Lawrence, E., Deutsch, N., Lee Williams, J., & Henneberger, A. (2012); Meyer, K. C., & Bouchey, H. A. (2010).
Twibell and Pierre explain why mentoring residency programs play a huge role in employee retention rates. Mentors rather than preceptors are investing in new grad nurses for longer than just a few months. NGNs are receiving constructive criticism from their mentors and serve as mediators between workplace issues. High levels of anxiety are reported in the first few weeks of employment, but with mentors there to have a caring attitude, the levels of anxiety can be greatly decreased and learning can be much easier facilitated (2012).
Preceptor recruitment, preparation, and compensation; preparation and evaluation of the students; as well as the setting and overall experience for both student and preceptor have long since been starting points for literature reviews when addressing new graduate nurse practitioner (NP) clinical competency upon entry to practice. Preceptor models and student/mentor relationships address, in part, the following benefits: opportunities for critical thinking, operationalizing theoretical concepts, enhancing professional behaviors, interaction with peers and ancillary personnel, all while doing so in a real world environment (Ivey, 2006).
Something has to be done now to prevent health care institutions from feeling the burden of losing the baby boomer nurses. Not enough has been done and the solutions presented have only been short-term. The health care system will not just be losing nurses, but clinical and institutional knowledge, as well experience (). Younger nurses will lack this knowledge and experience. They need mentoring from the baby boomer nurses and that needs to start now. With the mentoring the young nurses will feel confident (). When the baby boomer nurses retire, young nurses aren’t the only ones who will feel their loss, but the patients as
As a nurse seeking my bachelor in nursing I have a lot of mentors in my career path. The person I choose to interview is my mentor name, Karen. In the process of her nursing career, she was influenced by her mentor to continue her education, in women's health because of her passion for young teens. Karen started her career in nursing at Grand Valley State University where she earned a Bachelor Degree in nursing. After having her BSN for many years, Karen decision to continue her education at Michigan State University where she received a Master degree in Nursing.
The registered nurses, selected to be mentors are the more experience, knowledgeable and will support and nurture the new grad. These Mentors are the individuals that tell the new nurse what she needs to know and will show her ways to accomplish her goals successfully and expose them to opportunities to learn new things. The nur...
Pellatt, G. (2006). Nursing mentors. The role of mentors in supporting pre-registration nursing students. British Journal Of Nursing, 15(6), 336-340.
In addition, for some mentors, mentoring was a burden or workload issue that often went unnoticed by others. Mentees, too, were concerned by a lack of mentor interest and training and a host of problematic mentor attributes and behaviors (e.g. critical or defensive behaviors). Professional or personal incompatibility or incompatibility based on other factors such as race or gender was also seen by both mentors and mentees as impediments to the success of the relationship. Organizations, too, were confronted with difficulties arising from mentoring programs. Lack of commitment from the organization, lack of partnership and funding problems were reported in some studies, while in others, cultural or gender biases meant that some mentees’ experiences were not
Coaching and mentoring are not about learning to do something the right way, but are about helping to lead an individual to find their own way of doing it practically and efficiently. Coaching and mentoring sessions are guided with theoretical models, which help focus both the coach and the coachee in attaining desired outcomes for problem situations. However, even with the aid of theoretical models not everyone can coach another person. The first and far most important attribute of a coach is the ability to build relationships with the coachee in that the coachee feels safe and trusting towards the coach, without the capability to interact with the client there may be a lack of progress or motivation. Another important skill of a coach is not to judge.
Mentoring is a strong educational tool and is very useful especially within the New York City Department of Education. It is a great way for experience teachers to pass down information. The one and one interaction is more lasting than reading it from a book. This method will allow a smooth transition for new teachers. There are a lot of procedures that are confusing to beginners and mentors can uncoil those kinks. Beginning teacher will also get the opportunity to experience different teaching styles and also decide what will work for them and what will not. Mentoring is a valuable asset in guiding person’s development.
Mentoring program becomes instrumental and breakdown barriers as employees are interacting and carrying out the organization’s vision. This allows employees to interact with employees of different cultures and backgrounds with the goal that one will learn more about the individual.
Many young people just need to be motivated and given a fair chance at success. Young people need mentors to help them find their way and to help them stay focused. Mentors play an intricate roll in your lives and are sort of liaisons between your parents or guardians and your educators.