Nuit Blanche Argumentative Essay

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One night, every year, over one million people swarm downtown for the biggest contemporary art event Toronto has to offer: Nuit Blanche. As an annual event that has been running for over a decade now, a few things have remained constant throughout the years: chilly weather, drizzles of rain, and hordes of slightly drunken college students meandering through the streets.

Some people go for the art. Some people pretend to go for the art, but actually just use the night as an excuse to get really high and really intoxicated. Most of us stand around, scratching our heads in bemusement because, seriously, what is art?

I can’t claim to be an arts person. I was walking down the street for a while when my attention was captured by something large and shiny. An exhibit? Cool art?! …No, it was just OCAD University. (Which technically is an arts school, so I guess I’m getting somewhere.)

But in my years of experience with interpreting the uninterpretable, I’ve picked up a few tricks. You want to learn about art? You want to become a bona fide cultured city slicker? Listen, it’s not hard at all. …show more content…

One exhibit featured a couple dozen flickering lamps hanging from the ceiling, while an incessant buzzing noise resonated in the room. We stood, transfixed, by this convoluted maze of wires and metallic fixtures. What did it mean? I looked into one of the lamps and screeched an ominous note of nonsense to the speakers within. Did my voice carry over to another lamp? Perhaps, it is symbolism for how instant communication has become so prevalent that all our voices can be heard within a moment, and soon there will be so many voices that the cacophony of sound shall drown out all comprehension. I didn’t find an explanation, so I may as well have been

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