Nuit Blanche Essays

  • Nuit Blanche Argumentative Essay

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    One night, every year, over one million people swarm downtown for the biggest contemporary art event Toronto has to offer: Nuit Blanche. As an annual event that has been running for over a decade now, a few things have remained constant throughout the years: chilly weather, drizzles of rain, and hordes of slightly drunken college students meandering through the streets. Some people go for the art. Some people pretend to go for the art, but actually just use the night as an excuse to get really high

  • Nuit Blanche Dubois Comparison

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    differences of these two examples of Toronto based public art. To begin, there are many similarities and differences between the event Nuit Blanche and Henri Moore’s Two Large Forms. The most obvious is the fact that Nuit Blanche is an event that contains many artworks by many artists, while Two Large Forms is a single artwork by a single artist: Henri Moore. As stated, Nuit Blanche is an event with a variety of installation and performance work in the streets for guests to experience. The focus of the event

  • Experiencing Nuit Blanche: A Night of Art and Revelry in Toronto

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    One night, every year, over one million people swarm downtown for the biggest contemporary art event Toronto has to offer: Nuit Blanche. As an annual event that has been running for over a decade now, a few things have remained constant throughout the years: chilly weather, drizzles of rain, and hordes of slightly drunken college students meandering through the streets. Some people go for the art. Some people pretend to go for the art, but actually just use the night as an excuse to get really high

  • A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams

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    particular Blanche, Stella and Stanley. Blanch to some extent is living in her own fantasy world plagued with delusions and outbursts. It is quite obvious that she is living an illusion. Stella is living an unreal existence in regards to the way in which she likes to pretend she is living in a happy home. Stanley is also however to a much lesser extent living an unreal existence. He is very self-centered and towards the end he seems to be living a life nearly devoted to breaking down Blanche. We can

  • The Charater of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire

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    The Charater of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire In 'A Streetcar Named Desire' we focus on three main characters. One of these characters is a lady called Blanche. As the play progresses, we gradually get to know more about Blanche and the type of person she really is in contrast to the type of person that she would like everybody else to think she is. Using four main mediums, symbolism and imagery, Blanche's action when by herself, Blanche's past and her dialogue with others such as

  • Comparing Blanche Desire And Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Mitch and Blanche are very different despite the fact that they connect almost instantly. What Blanche really wants from Mitch is some to marry her, so she can finally leave Stella and Stanley’s apartment. Although blanches ideal guy would be someone who can sweep her off her feet immediately, a rich and exciting man who can provide her with whatever she desires. However because she is now living a new life in New Orleans she is introduced to some of Stanley’s friends, but unlike Stanley and the

  • A Comparison of A Streetcar Named Desire and The Master Builder

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    especially Blanche, and then laughs at her pain.  For example, he hands Blanche a ticket to Laurel as a birthday present, kicking her out of the house.  To Stanley this very cruel and insensitive gesture is amusing, but to Blanche it is a hurtful token of rejection.  Blanche is a character who experiences the tragedy of the world, as events affect her deeply.  For instance, she can not understand how her sister, Stella, can put up with the abuse that Stanley inflicts upon her.  Blanche is very concerned

  • Symbols and Symbolism in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire

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    title and the actual reference, in the play, to the streetcars named Desire and Cemeteries. They are the means by which Blanche was brought to the home of Stanley and Stella and, as the play unfolds, we realize the names of the streetcars have a greater significance. Blanche's instructions were to “take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called Cemeteries." When Blanche first arrives she is possessed by a desire for love and understanding, but always in the background lurks the fear of

  • Catcher and the Rye

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    Outline Thesis statement:     The relationship Holden and Blanche have between family and people in society leads them to an inner turmoil, which eventually results in their psychological breakdowns. I.     Family A.     Positive relationships in The Catcher in the Rye. 1.     Phoebe is the only person who Holden needs 2.     Holden is proud of D.B’s accomplishments 3.     Holden truly admires the personality Allie had a.)     “He was two years younger than I was, but he was about fifty more times

  • A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams

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    characters and their interactions with each other. Sisters, Stella and Blanche have had an enjoyable upbringing on the family plantation, "Belle Reve". As the name suggests Stella and Blanche's time at "Belle Reve" was near perfect. Like all things perfect it had to come to an end. While Stella did the logical thing and left the 'beautiful dream' and married Stan, Blanche hung on to it unable to move on and face reality. Blanche comes to Stella in an unbalanced state of mind in need of her sister's

  • A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams

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    exploration of”old” America versus the “new” America? In the play, Blanche represents old America and Stanley represents new America. Why Blanche represents old America is because of her way of thinking, lifestyle and values. When Blanche walks into the room where the guys are playing poker, there is a great example of how Blanche represents old and Stanley new. When she walks in, the guys are sitting around the table, then Blanche says “Please don’t get up”. Stanley replies “nobody’s going to get

  • Essay on Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire

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    The Destruction of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire A Streetcar Named Desire is an intricate web of complex themes and conflicted characters. Set in the pivotal years immediately following World War II, Tennessee Williams infuses Blanche and Stanley with the symbols of opposing class and differing attitudes towards sex and love, then steps back as the power struggle between them ensues. Yet there are no clear cut lines of good vs. evil, no character is neither completely good nor bad, because

  • The Raw Power of A Streetcar Named Desire

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    thought-provoking piece of literature. A Streetcar Named Desire produces a very strong reaction.  Even at the beginning of the play, the reader is confronted with extremely obvious symbolism in order to express the idea of the play.  Blanche states that she was told "to take a streetcar named Desire, and then to transfer to one called Cemeteries".  One can not simply read over this statement without assuming Williams is trying to say more than is written.  Later in the play,

  • Harshness and Cruelty in Streetcar Named Desire

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    insensitive qualities are Blanche, Mitch, and Stanley.  Whether the cruelty is deliberate or not, it results in the destruction of others, both physically and mentally. Blanche Dubois, the central victim of mistreatment in the play, was herself, dealing out her share of insensitivities during her younger days.  When Blanche was 16, she had a very handsome lover named Allan Gray.  She was very much in love with him and decided to marry him.  But by total surprise one night, Blanche found her lover

  • A Streetcar Named Desire - The Importance of Scene 6

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    and only contains the characters Mitch and Blanche. The scene begins with the impression that Blanche and Mitch have not enjoyed the evening that they have just spent together at a local carnival. Blanches voice and manner is described as being " the utter exhaustion which only a neurasthenic personality can know." Mitch is described as being "stolid but depressed." Mitch even admits "I'm afraid you haven't gotten much fun out of this evening Blanche." and "I felt all the time that I wasn't giving

  • A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams

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    French Quarter of New Orleans during the restless years following World War Two, A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE is the story of Blanche DuBois, a fragile and neurotic woman on a desperate prowl for someplace in the world to call her own. After being exiled from her hometown of Laurel, Mississippi for seducing a seventeen-year-old boy at the school where she taught English, Blanche explains her unexpected appearance on Stanley and Stella's (Blanche's sister) doorstep as nervous exhaustion. This, she claims

  • Paper as a Metaphor in A Streetcar Named Desire

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    "[M]ortgages, foreclosures, directions, letters, poems, telegrams, newspapers, appraisals, songs, even moons (Kolin 1)." What do these all have to do with each other? Paper and A Streetcar Named Desire. Philip C. Kolin points out this metaphor in his article " 'It's only a paper moon': The Paper Ontology' in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire.'" Kolin has found that Williams has used paper as a metaphor to describe Blanche's and Stanley's faults and desires. Kolin finds this to be a common

  • Essay on Blanche DuBois as Butterfly in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire

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    The Portrayal of Blanche as Butterfly or Moth in A Streetcar Named Desire In A Streetcar named Desire, Williams uses description and dialog to develop the play’s characters. In the beginning of the play, Williams describes Blanche as a "moth". A moth and a butterfly seem to be very similar; however, they have very different outward appearances and habits. A butterfly is very "showy " as it flits throughout life, whereas a moth tries hard not to bring attention to itself. Butterflies are open

  • Character Analysis of Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Character Analysis of Blanche Through Text and Symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams was once quoted as saying "Symbols are nothing but the natural speech of drama...the purest language of plays" (Adler 30). This is clearly evident in A Streetcar Named Desire, one of Williams's many plays. In analyzing the main character of the story, Blanche DuBois, it is crucial to use both the literal text as well as the symbols of the story to get a complete and thorough understanding

  • Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire - Blanche DuBois' Fragile Psyche

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    Streetcar Named Desire "Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire is to some extent living an unreal existence," according to Jonathan Briggs, book critic for the Clay County Freepress. In Tennessee Williams' play, A Streetcar Named Desire, the readers are introduced to a character named Blanche DuBois. Blanche is Stella's younger sister who has come to visit Stella and her husband Stanley in New Orleans. After their first meeting Stanley develops a strong dislike for Blanche and for everything associated