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13.3 - What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Nuclear Power
Chernobyl disaster and its effects
Nuclear power is beneficial or detrimental
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In April of 1986 at the nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the operators of the power plant decided to run the plant in low power without proper precautions. This drastic human error caused history’s first commercial nuclear accident that caused fatalities due to radiation. Cases of 7,000 individuals being diagnosed with thyroid cancer were linked to the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear plant, so far leading 4,056 deaths, 46 being from the direct radiation and 4,000 from thyroid cancer. The area of Chernobyl also was massively affected negatively. The area is now densely in ruin with radiation which can be fatal to the life exposed to large amounts of it. Other cases of nuclear backlash is the correlation of nuclear weapons testing causing …show more content…
I would like to address the current issue of nuclear energy and its immensely severe backlash to our environment and safety. I state that nuclear energy’s usage and continuous utilization should be terminated because of its horrific recoil. Nuclear energy’s risks and cons outweigh the benefits it provides. The use of nuclear energy in the united states should be terminated because of its critical environmental backlash, tremendous costs, a target for terrorism, and and history of …show more content…
However, the nuclear waste leftover from the plants is radioactive and takes thousands of years to breakdown and decompose. This burden of a waste was planned to be blasted into outer space or entombed deep into a mountain, but it was rejected by most individuals. The big problem of nuclear waste is that it can be used for weapons and highly dangerous, as dangerous as the contamination released from an accidental nuclear meltdown. There is also a massive risk of transporting and handling nuclear waste because of its tedious care and sensitivity. Nuclear waste exposure is also very bad for the people around as for example a case in Pennsylvania shows most children around there ended up having baby teeth carrying strontium-90. An element containing a nuclear isotope leading to children having a higher risk of cancer. The children obtained these radioactive teeth because of exposure of radiation from forms of living near power plants, close to weapons testing areas, and sites containing radioactive materials. Would you want to have a whole generation of children in even bigger risk to cancer? As you can tell, nuclear energy is a danger to the environment we live in, a risk for usage of terrorism, its high costs, and its tedious attraction to accidents and
Early in the morning of April 27, 1986, the world experienced its largest nuclear disaster ever (Gould 40). While violating safety protocol during a test, Reactor 4 at the Chernobyl power plant was placed in a severely unstable state, and in a matter of seconds the reactor output shot up to 120 times the rated output (Flavin 8). The resulting steam explosion tossed aside the reactor’s 1,000 ton concrete covering and released radioactive particles up to one and a half miles into the sky (Gould 38). The explosion and resulting fires caused 31 immediate deaths and over a thousand injuries, including radiation poisoning (Flavin 5). After the accident more than 135,000 people were evacuated from their Ukrainian homes, but the major fallout occurred outside of the Soviet Union’s borders. Smaller radioactive particles were carried in the atmosphere until they returned to earth via precipitation (Gould 43). The Soviets quickly seeded clouds to prevent rainfall over their own land, so most of the radioactivity burdened Western Europe, Scandinavia, and the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans (Flavin 12). This truly international disaster had far reaching effects; some of these were on health, the environment, social standards, and politics.
Hopefully, with accurate analysis and innovation, my research will teach the world of its past so this disaster doesn’t occur in the future. B - Summary of Evidence Chernobyl (chrn byl) is an uninhibited city in north Ukraine, near the Belarus boundary, on the Pripyat River. Ten miles to the north, in the town of Pripyat, is the Chernobyl nuclear powerstation, site of the worst nuclear reactor disaster in history ("Chernobyl", Columbia Encyclopedia). To specify, on April 26, 1986, Unit Four of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded in Ukraine, injuring human immune systems and the genetic structure of cells, contaminating soils and waterways. Nearly 7 tons of irradiated reactor fuel was released into the environment—roughly 340 million curies.
In addition to the potential dangers of accidents in generating stations, nuclear waste is a continuing problem that is growing exponentially. Nuclear waste can remain radioactive for about 600 years and disposing these wastes or storing them is an immense problem. Everyone wants the energy generated by power plants, but no one wants to take responsibility for the waste. Thus far, it is stored deep in the earth, but these storage areas are potentially dangerous and will eventually run out. Some have suggested sending the waste into space, but no one is sure of the repercussions.
The continuous spread of nuclear technology and nuclear weapons is a threat for national security and the safety of the entire planet. The inextricable link between nuclear energy and nuclear power is arguably the greatest danger of nuclear power. The same low-enriched uranium that is processed in a nuclear power plant is the same uranium used to make nuclear weapons. Nuclear power plants are the contributors to these mass destruction weapon capable of wiping out the human race. An article published by the World Nuclear Stockpile Report says, “ Nine countries in the world posses a total of 15,375 nuclear weapons.
(Action): If we don’t do our part to stop the expansion of nuclear power plants, the future of our planet will be bleaker. Every year, thousands of more pounds of nuclear waste will be buried underground and the damage to our environment increases. There are more efficient energy sources other than nuclear power and we must do our part today to prevent a catastrophic future for our children. The dangers that nuclear power plants pose for the United States are very real. There are many alternative renewable sources of energy available to us such as wind and solar power, which provide a much safer and efficient alternative to nuclear power. You alone have the power to speak up and act against the expansion of this dangerous energy. The future of our environment’s safety and our nation’s energy supply lies in your hands.
...nce World War II to the present day, the technology of nuclear power has increased significantly in terms of energy output and safety. The energy efficiency of nuclear power is far superior to its counterpart fossil fuel and renewable energy. Compared to fossil fuels, tiny amounts of fuel used by nuclear reactors is equivalent to a large sum of coal. This is a no brainer. Why mine a ton of coal when a little uranium can be used to gain the same amount of energy? Not only is it efficient, it’s safe to use. Used fuel is packed away in storage safely, so there isn’t any chance of radiation leaking out. In the present day, nuclear power incidents haven’t been occurring lately. Advancements in technology and equipment used have made nuclear energy a very reliable and safe source of energy. With today’s energy needs, nuclear power has the ability to keep up in the race.
“Face it. Nukes are the most climate-friendly industrial-scale form of energy” (Power, Reiss, Pearlstein, 655). This statement is what I’m trying to promote through my argument. It also ties Inconvenient Truths: 10 Green Heresies by Matt Powers, Spencer Reiss, and Jonanna Pearlstein and Nuclear Power is Best Energy Source: Potchef Stroom together by bring out the main point all authors are trying to get across. Global warming has been a big concern for years now and one of the biggest causes for it, is the burning of fossil fuels to get energy. People that live in the United States of America use a huge amount of energy in their daily lives and that amount continues to grow with our population growing with it. My purpose of this piece is to persuade people to switch to nuclear power for a cleaner energy source because it’s the cleanest energy source.
Specific purpose: To persuade the audience that nuclear power is the best source of energy today.
My argument is that nuclear power may be the so called “safe” and “clean” source of energy that we are looking for, but can we really afford to continue to use this source of energy. Is it “clean”? One problem with nuclear power is that currently we are unable to dispose of the waste that nuclear power plants produce. Furthermore, many of the power plants are unsafe and accidents do occur. They cause devastation to the environment and lives of people. I will provide you with evidence to illustrate that nuclear reactions have killed people.
One of the most significant environmentally damaging instances in history was the Chernobyl incident. In 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in Ukraine exploded. It became one of the most significant disasters in the engineering community. There are different factors that contributed to the disaster. The personnel that were tasked with operating the plant were unqualified. The plant’s design was a complex one. The RBMK reactor was Soviet design, and the staff had not be acquainted with this particular design. As the operators performed tests on the reactor, they disabled the automatic shutdown mechanism. After the test, the attempt to shut down the reactor was unsuccessful as it was unstable. This is the immediate cause of the Chernobyl Accident. It later became the most significant nuclear disaster in the history of the
Atomic weapons represent an immediate and steady danger to individuals all over. A long way from keeping the peace, they breed dread and doubt among countries. These extreme instruments of dread and mass decimation have no true blue military or key utility and are pointless in tending to any of today's genuine security dangers, for example, psychological warfare, environmental change, outrageous destitution, overpopulation, and sickness. With regards to atomic weapons, there are no sheltered hands. For whatever length of time that any nation has these weapons, others will need them, and the world will be in a problematic state which places us in a condition of hazard at all circumstances.
On April26, 1986, the nuclear power plant was exploded in Chernobyl, Ukraine. At 1:23 AM, while everyone were sleeping, Reactor #4 exploded, and 40 hours later, all the city residence were forcefully moved to other cities, and they never return to their home. The Chernobyl disaster is ranked the worst nuclear accident. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was ran by the Soviet Union central nuclear energy corporation. (International Atomic Energy Agency-IAEA, 2005)
The greatest disadvantages of nuclear energy are the risks posed to mankind and the environment by radioactive materials. ‘On average a nuclear plant annually generates 20 metric tons of used nuclear fuel cla...
An issue I want to address to you is the huge accumulation of nuclear waste. According to, more than 77,000 tons of nuclear waste sit in America’s atomic power plants. Nuclear waste is hazardous to life and it should not sit in a power plant until it is decomposed. Another issue I want to address is the growing need of developing alternative energy sources in the United States. According to, fossil fuels provide more than 80% of the United States energy consumption.
Media coverage of such cases have made the public less comfortable with the idea of moving further towards nuclear power and they only opt for reducing human activities to reduce global warming. It is true that there have been some notable disasters involving nuclear power, but compared to other power systems, nuclear power has an impressive track record. First, it is less harmful and second, it will be able to cater for the growing world population. Nuclear power produces clean energy and it delivers it at a cost that is competitive in the energy market (Patterson). According to the US Energy Information Administration, there are currently 65 such plants in the Unite States (National Research Council). They produce 19 percent of the total US energy generation.