Non-Profit Organizations

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With the rise of natural disasters, disease awareness, and social injustices, businesses that raise money to fight these evils have become very prevalent in our society. These are called Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), and they get a special title because all their funds are charitable, therefore giving them an exemption from having to pay taxes on all the money they acquire. A few general qualifications of a NPO is the obligation to benefit the public, and the cycle of any surplus funds back into the organization. With only a few broad rules in place for NPOs, corruption is rampant in these businesses. This is an injustice to the community it serves, and the donors who are scammed into giving their money to a misleading cause. To eliminate …show more content…

Statistics can be deceiving and advertise money raised even though that is very different from money donated. “Nonprofit accounting is fraught with faulty bookkeeping and willful manipulations” (McCafferty). Since “for-profit” organizations are blocked from telemarketing to the national “do-not-call registry, NPO’s use this platform to advertise their cause. However, only a very small percentage of the money raised is donated to the charity it was raised for. (McCafferty) Reese Teleservices Inc. raised more than $2 million for the National Caregiving Foundation, but only $364,000 (18%) was donated to the organization. This is problematic, because in this organization alone, there is over 1.5 million consumer dollars unaccounted for. NPO’s spend a vast amount of money trying to influence consumers to donate to them. There is a correlation between an organization’s investment in social entrepreneurship, and how much that organization receives in donations. The more popular an organization is, the more money they receive. This leads to an abundance of scarce donation funds being given to organizations recycling it to social entrepreneurship instead of charity (Andersson). This can be seen as social media marketing, commercials, billboards, and telemarketing services. Though these are necessary elements to have an effective …show more content…

The size and make-up of the governing board, representation of the citizens in the combined organization's governance, and the allocation of governance rights among potentially more than one legal entity are major deal points that arise early on in a nonprofit foundation. The solution is to include a nonprofit and tax exemption specialist on the staff board to help spot these and to efficiently advise on complex tax matters. This prevents the composition of corrupt organizations while also providing a solution to a properly managed organization. Therefore, the government needs to have a regulation in the funds of non-profit organizations. Even though they already have many regulations in the nonprofit sector, they are broad, and can and have been easily maneuvered

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