Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Nikola Tesla was an engineer that was born July 10, 1856 in Smijilan, Croatia. He is well known for two of his inventions. The first one is alternating-current electric system. This is still predominantly used today. His second most famous invention was the Tesla coil. This is also used today for radio technology. He is an American Hero because he invented thing that are still used today. Tesla was nothing like the rest of his family. His dad was a priest and his brother was dead. Daniel, Nikola’s brother, died in a "riding accident" when Tesla was 7. Tesla went to study both Math and Physics at Technical University of Graz. Paraphrased from
In 1882 he came up with the idea of a brushless AC motor and drew it in the sand path …show more content…

Here he was hired as an engineer for Thomas Edison. He worked for him for a year and Edison offered him $50,000 to improve the deign of DC dynamos. After months of experimenting he had a solution and went to collect the money he had earned. Edison basically spat in Tesla’s face and didn’t pay him at all. Paraphrased from Tesla develop a way to use light and distribute it. He had been using fluorescent lights many years before they were "invented" by the industries. He also made the first neon signs by bending lights into people’s names. He invented the radio though most credit goes to Guglielmo Marconi. This was until the Supreme Court proved Tesla was using this before Marconi patented it. Radios just need a transmitter and a receiver which Tesla demonstrated this in 1893. Tesla accidentally made the Remote Control from the radio. The first thing to be Remote Controlled was a model boat. He used large batteries and switches that controlled the radio frequency he created the Remote Control. Tesla invented the laser which was both good and bad. Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers benefited the way we surgeries and things used to heal

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