Neil Postman On Language Analysis

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Language manifests itself at the very core of an individual. It provides the basis for how we observe the world and its phenomena. Different languages are capable of expressing thoughts that are exclusive to that language. too informalLanguages goes so far to allow people to express different personality traits and pertain to different cultures of the world, allowing for a great sense of community to emerge among those who share a languagenoice. Good thought but rephrase. While it is not the sole factor in all of these things, it provides much more than simply a means to an end. It influences different aspects of one’s life, and can come to lead one to how they choose to develop as a person. Language is a fundamental support upon which one may experience life.
Language is fundamental to how we observe the world and …show more content…

Be more sepceficBut how we may develop those ideas or how they may occur to us can most definitely originate from language. Depending on what language we use, different values may be instilled upon the people who speak it, therefore leading to certain theories that emerge due to the unique mindset of a culture. The well-respected author and cultural critic Neil Postman argued for a similar position. Language not only gives us the means to construct a concept, but “it tells us what sorts of concepts we ought to construct. For we do not have a name for everything that occurs in the world” (PostmanGIRL WHERWE DA P”AGE NUMBER). The notion that language dictates exactly what new theories we must produce is rather exaggerated, but the idea is

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