Negative Feedback Essay

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Feedback is an important yet often overlooked part of the communication process. Compliments, strokes, and other positive feedback can be motivating and greatly appreciated. Feedback can also be motivating and appreciated when it takes the form of constructive criticism. We give feedback to reinforce positive behavior and to point out negative behavior. Positive feedback can be a powerful motivator and self-esteem booster. It is more effective than criticism in inducing change. "Negative" feedback should be constructive. Effectively delivered feedback can lead to changes in attitude and behavior while maintaining a healthy relationship. Different individuals will interpret feedback differently. You must take care when giving feedback to minimize …show more content…

This slows down our cash flow. Sending out the invoices on time means we get paid sooner, so we can meet our own obligations on time. Let's discuss how we can insure that the invoices go out on time from now on." Be clear about your reason for giving the feedback. Why are you offering the feedback? What do you hope to accomplish by offering it? What are the consequences for your subordinate if he adopts your suggestions, and if he doesn't? Be sure that it will help. Limit constructive (negative) feedback. In small doses constructive feedback can be welcome and beneficial. In larger doses it is demoralizing. No matter how much improvement is needed, offer feedback in manageable chunks. Not only is too much constructive feedback at once less likely to be assimilated, the receiver may be discouraged from acting on it at all. Always give some positive feedback. One way to soften the sting of constructive feedback is to combine it with some positive feedback. In the receiver's mind a message of positive and constructive feedback combined is better than one of purely constructive feedback. Of course, if you regularly combine positive and constructive feedback together the receiver may think "Nothing I do is ever good enough," so make sure you give feedback on some occasions that is pure

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