Negative Essay On Whey Protein

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Refine the topic: Whey Protein Synthesized factory made whey protein has been around for decades. To some weightlifters it is an essential part of their diet and they must have it daily. For others it is just another source of protein other than the regular beef or poultry. Today it comes in many flavors and there are hundreds of different brands of it. The supplement industry greatly exaggerates the gains that a person can make from protein powders. These false claims and misleading ads by fitness magazines and the supplement industry contribute greatly to body dysmorphia issues in adolescent and young adult males. While whey protein is a fairly new invention, the source that is derived from called which is called whey has been around …show more content…

There are usually three different stances that people take on whey protein. First, it is a magical powder that will give you amazing gains but must be taken immediately after your workout. The second viewpoint is a more neutral stance, these people will either take it or leave it, buy it if you can afford it. The third viewpoint will be totally against it with arguments such as “real food is all you need” or “whey is full of chemicals or will destroy your kidneys and liver”. The first and third stances usually come from a misunderstanding of science and the human body, and is almost a brain washing by the supplement industry. What the focus is on is the first viewpoint. The argument that whey protein is a magical muscle building powder. While whey protein is definitely not bad, it also isn 't the end all of an individuals destination to muscle bound glory. Whey protein is just a substitute for food and an easier way to consume a large amount of …show more content…

There has always been talk about girls having it and suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa. There seems to be a misconception however that all males are comfortable in their own skin. This notion is most definitely not true. Some young men can become extreme cases. Guys will either always think they are small and become obsessed with how big they are, how tight their shirt fits, or whether or not they should work out for hours on end. Others with think that they are not ripped enough because of the impossible standards that steroid using bodybuilders set for leanness. These men can also develop extremely unhealthy relationships with food and constantly worry about how much they eat, what type of foods they eat and how their abs look 24/7. Over time this can become a serious mental

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