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Theories of parenting style
Theory of parenting styles
Theory of parenting styles
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What is parenting? Parenting has many different definitions depending who is asked, some might say it 's the highlight of their day while others may share how they regret or dread going home, but the real definition of Parenting is; the raising of a child by its parents, or the process of becoming a parent. It is stated within Wikipedia that, “Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.” It also mentions that parenting is including the aspects of raising a child outside the biological relationship. Once understanding what parenting really is it becomes more personalized, as their are many aspects that can change how one parents, such as age, race, religion, financial status, the amount of children, and where one lives. Different parenting styles are also incorporated, these are more general and describe the common traits of the relationships between parent and child while the before factors can be added to the styles and personalize them to each family. There are four styles that are commonly …show more content…
Children who experience the parenting style of Permissive show lack of self discipline, sometimes poor social skills, may be demanding and self-involved, as well experience insecurities in day to day life. These effects can lead a child to crime, due to having a lack of self discipline and understanding what is morally right and wrong, as well as their social skills can cause problems due to basic interactions in day to day life can cause misunderstanding between peers. Neglectful is commonly known to lead children to delinquent behavior and kids are commonly known to suffer from substance abuse, which can cause even more criminal behavior in their life, such as stealing in order to get money to support their addiction, or even murdering someone due to being under the influence of the
There are many causes on why a child or teenager may misbehave. There could be issues at home, with family, other kids, peer pressure, and the list goes on. This can affect family, friends and their own lives in a negative way. “Understanding why children engage in bad behavior is critical to curbing it”, illustrates Harvey Karp, M.D, a pediatrician and author of the book and DVD “The Happiest Toddler On The Block”. In that case, there is a lot to be learned about the cause of misbehavior.
Growing up, two group of people, parents, and grandparents, took the time and the energy to raise me. Both of them had different approaches when raising me. These approaches were different parenting styles. According to Baumrind, parenting style was the “[capturing] normal variations in parents’ attempts to control and socialize their children” (Darling, 1999). To put it simply, parenting style goal was to lecture, influence, and discipline a child. In general, there are four parenting styles with their own specific benefits and disadvantages. Furthermore, parenting style, granted the dynamic of the family was understood, can be identified in families.
I have heard many stories of the cruel and evil crimes that some children have committed. There are a number of causes that can occur during development, that can cause these, kind of criminal behaviors. Antisocial behavior which can be broken down into different types of behavior (1.) the presence of antisocial behavior for instance aggressive and disobedient behavior (2.) the lack of prosocial behavior, prosocial is a behavior that demonstrates cooperative, truthful and caring children. Behaviors such as these can really alter a child’s behavior. Most children show signs of some antisocial behavior during their development, and different children demonstrate different levels of prosocial and antisocial behavior. Some children however, may manifest extreme levels of both antisocial and prosocial behaviors; for example, a very loving but hostile child. Some children can experience low levels of both types of behaviors. Extreme levels of antisocial behavior are considered a mental illness. Young children may show extreme antagonism towards authoritative figures, and be diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder.
Bad parenting also causes many people to do anything they want to. We need parents to be really strict with us to help us knowing our rules and with the world.A lot of people who cause accidents, are people whose parents either rejected them or just let them do whatever, also known also bad parents.Articles state bad parenting is really bad for a kids mental health. Paying attention to your kids, being responsible for them, and not letting them do certain things will help your kids and others later in life and will cause less casualties. You will be thanked later in life and will make this world a splendid place to be
Throughout nearly all studies, it has become clear that parenting seems to have two main aspects that build it: demandingness and responsiveness. With these two characteristics, there are 4 main “parenting styles” that can be distinguished, each having their own level of both features.
“A wise mother knows: It is her state of consciousness that matters. Her gentleness and clarity command respect. Her love creates security” (Vimala McClure). Mothers play an important roll in a child’s life; shaping how a child will view things in the world, their religious beliefs, he way how they set up their values in life and etc. Every individual life is shaped by personal relationships they have with others. Toni Morrison’s Sula, tells the story of a black community in the fictional town Medallion, Ohio, where two girls grow up together, Sula and Nel, are formed by the influence of race, gender and society. Morrison describes the various stresses and sacrifices of motherhood and offers varied examples of motherhood. The female relationships and especially the mother-daughter relationship prove to be highly important for the identity development of the female characters in the novel. The women are faced with severe consequences due to racism. The double marginality the characters encounter influences the mother-daughter relationship and subsequently their identity development.
A parent’s parenting styles are as diverse as the world we live in today. Nowadays, parents only want what is best for their children and their parenting styles plays a crucial role in the development of children which will in the long run, not only effect the child’s childhood years, but later prolong into their adult life as well.
When the social, educational, financial and health needs of a person are not satisfied through the family then they may be inclined towards criminal activities. There are some other family related factors that affect the behavior of children and they might go for criminal activities. Some of these factors include adaptation of bad parenting practices and styles, neglecting the child, child abuse and trend of criminal behavior in the family which is then learned by the child. It also includes a family history with mental illness, teenage pregnancy, substance use, school dropout and interpersonal conflicts among the family members (Cassel & Bernstein, 2007).
In Ontario, at least one in three individuals encounter some sort of maltreatment over his or her childhood, with neglectful parenting being the most rampant form (“Child Maltreatment in Canada”, 2012, para. 6-7). Neglectful parenting, often called uninvolved, indifferent, or dismissive parenting is one of the four distinct parenting styles specified by psychologist Baumrind’s taxonomy of parenting styles (van der Horst et. al., 2017, para. 3). The four-fold typology of parenting is typically dependent on dimensions of responsiveness and demandingness and respectively, the neglectful parenting style is significantly low in both dimensions (van der Horst et. al., 2017, para. 3). According to Baumrind, “Neglectful parents are least involved towards their children’s needs, providing the most basic of facilities but no room or opportunity for recreational and developmental activities” (Aswanthi, 2017, para.
This style of parenting is best described as the child having more control over the parent. There are a lot of parents today that seem to have no control of their child actions and even words. This in which can make the parents question what are they doing wrong when it comes to raising their child. This type of parent have very low demands and are highly responsive, maybe even too responsive to the child’s needs. Although these parents are very loving of their children they do not have many rules that their child should abide by (Cherry, K. 2017, para.1). Not setting ground rules gives the child the freedom to do whatever they want and know that they will not receive a harsh, if any punishment at all. Also, parents who are permissive tend to want to be their child’s best friend. The child in this parent in child relationship tends to have more control than the parent. If there are not any rules in place to be followed the child will eventually resort to negative behaviors, and may even be insure because of the low discipline from their parents (Cherry, K. 2017, para. 9). Permissive parents should give the child rules to follow and discipline them if broken, to ensure that their child follow the right path throughout
They have regular family meetings with their children to discuss household rules and their importance to the family dynamics. Although both forms of parenting are completely different, both ways have their own advantages and disadvantages. Well first off to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the parenting styles between the Harsh-Hearts and the Easy-Goings, their styles of child rearing must be categorized first. Child-rearing is a combination of parenting behaviors that occur over a wide range of situations. There are four different categories of combinations in child-rearing: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved.
Children are the future of the world and need to be nurtured and educated in the best conditions. Thus, parenting is one of the most challenging and admirable responsibilities that people can experience. Parenting plays important roles in the development of children’s characteristics. Some people nurture children depending on their own ways. Others get advice from friends or books. Parenting can be divided into three groups: authoritative, permissive, and democratic parenting.
Parenting styles have the capacity of influencing a child’s social, cognitive, and psychological growth, which would then affect the child both in their childhood years, and as an adult.
Throughout time there has been overprotective parents, especially with the higher class people. Every parent would always like to have their child be safe and not get in danger. Other times, parents do it because they do not want their child to be how they were when they were younger or they do not want their child to get involved with the minority people. Either way it will always bring consequences which could be dangerous. Some parents might not see the effects of being overprotective because they have never seen the truth. Therefore, there are the effects of an overprotective parent, on which the child becomes a party addict or becomes dangerous, bad decision maker, and freedom would become
I always believed that you could see the effects of bad parenting, by studying the youth of today opposed to the youth of sixty years ago. The effects of bad parenting can be measured in many different ways. One of the things that we all forget about is “lead by example”. What we as adults, teach our children, is what our future generations will be as people.