Needs Assessment and SWOT Analysis

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Needs assessments are imperative to the success of a project. They are an essential part of the planning process. A need assessment guides the administrators as they define the terms of the project. A needs assessment is defined as, “a systematic approach to studying the state of knowledge, ability, interest, or attitude of a defined audience or group involving a particular subject” (McCawley, 2009, p. 3). An effective needs assessment provides insight, information, is objective, and assists in identifying gaps in services.
Timmreck (2003) states that a needs assessment is used to, “Ascertain what resources, services, equipment, or other available items exist for use in the program being planned” (p.90). The administrator has to know what resources are available for use before designing the project and the needs assessment helps gather the information about the resources that are available for that project. Timmreck (2003) states that needs assessments are also used to “Survey, assess, evaluate and do research on what services or program exist and which services are missing” (p. 90). After the information becomes available to the administrator s/he can design the project effectively because now h/she know what service is needed and what resources are available to utilize. This information that the needs assessment provides is imperative to a project’s success and therefore makes the needs assessment an integral part of the planning process.
There are several approaches the needs assessment utilizes to effectively gather insight and information. Specifically when utilizing a needs assessment the target group and catchment area are the primary areas of focus. A target group is defined as, “a concentration of populations or client...

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...e, and assists in identifying gaps in services, thereby making it an impetrative part of the planning process. The SWOT analysis assists in the needs assessment process by identifying gaps in services. Thereby allow administrators to fulfill that need though the needs assessment process.

Works Cited

McCawley, P. F. (2009). Methods for conducting an educational needs assessment: Guidelines for cooperative extension system professionals. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from
Renault, V. (n.d.). Community toolbox. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from
Timmreck, T. C. (2003). Planning, program development, and evaluation: A handbook for health promotion, aging, and health services. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett.

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