Necessity of the Change in English Spelling Rules

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English is a tool for communication between people who don’t use the same language. It is widely learned as a second language and many countries and world organizations use English as an official language. This is the reason why many people try to learn English, but unfortunately, mastering English is almost impossible. Because English doesn’t have standardized spelling rules, many people who try to learn English including the people who use English as a mother tongue are suffering for spelling. Because of this circumstance, the debate whether or not English spelling rules should be standardized and reformed has been popular recently. In “Use Your Own Words,” published by Wired Magazine in February 2012 and written by Anne Trubek who is a writer, editor and associate professor of Rhetoric and Composition & English at Oberlin College, Anne Trubek argues that English spelling rules should change along with technology. In “A Case for and Against Proper Spelling,” a transcript of Talk of The Nation on NPR News on, Anne Trubek argues that our fixation on correct spelling is outdated and Lee Simmon, a copy editor in Wired Magazine, fires back arguing that these standards make communication possible. In “Why English Spelling Should Be Updated” on, written by Masha Bell who is a retired teacher of English, German, Russian and French, Masha Bell says that basic English spelling system is more complicated than most languages. In a Journal of “The Simplified Spelling Society” on, written by Justin B Rye who has an MA in Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, he replies against 13 objections to the spelling reform. A video “History of English Writing” on YouTube, al...

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...and doing so far and how the writing system was presided and influenced. The video says that the technology influences English spelling and introduces new words. The technology moves us away from rules. The change of English spelling rules is natural, normal and inevitable. We need to change the spelling rules along with the time.
In conclusion, English spelling should be reformed to memorize easier. English is the most common language in the world, but it doesn’t still have a standardized spelling rules and it makes people have difficulties. English shouldn’t be a blocking wall to achieve people’s goals. We need to stop resisting changes. Along with the change of time, along with the development of technology, we need to learn how to adopt in new-normal before it’s too late.

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