Natural Disasters: Floods, And Natural Disasters In Belarus

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Committee: Economic & Financial (ECOFIN)
Topic: Natural Disasters: Floods
Country: Belarus
Delegate: Hala Douda
School: American International School of Jeddah
Natural disasters are disasters that are caused by natural forces. These disasters cause severe harm to the environment every time they occur. They include Agricultural diseases, Winds, Drought, Emergency diseases (pandemic influenza) Extreme heat, Floods and flash floods. Disasters Frequently happen when people don't get ready for hazards or do not act legitimately after a hazard. It is the point at which the lives of individuals are in danger and the people can't adapt to the circumstance. Sometimes there is nothing anyone can do to prevent a circumstance from transforming into a fiasco. …show more content…

On April of 2017, it experienced annual flooding caused by major local rivers overflowing. In Belarus, the usual flooding period lasts 30-120 days and depending on how large the overflowing body of water is determines how high the water levels rise. “In large rivers, the water rises 8.6 – 12.8 m above the normal (mean water) level. In middle-sized and small rivers, the water rises approximately half as high. Over the last fifty to seventy years Belarus was damaged by floods over eleven times, the heaviest in 1956, 1958, 1974, 1979, 1993 and 1999.” (Climate Change Post, December …show more content…

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