National Honor Society Speech

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Growing up my parents always taught my sister and I that we should always be grateful for what we had. Take care of all our toys and expensive things that they brought us. They taught us that you have to work hard for what you want and nothing is handed to you. Even though me and my sister always got what wanted we also knew that we worked for it and that made getting it even better. I believe my parents raised me pretty good. I always respected them and knew my limits, me and my sister had chores we had to do and if they weren't done by the end of the week we would have a consequence. This taught us responsibility and that in the real world if you don't do your job you would be fired or there would be a consequence you would have to pay. Lately I have noticed that a lot of kids in today's society are very ungrateful. They feel entitled and believe that they shouldn't have to work for anything. They think things should just be handed to them without any questions asked. I think I have a way to stop this rising trait in today's youth. First, kids who exhibit ungrateful behavior like demanding you do something for …show more content…

This program will be used mostly in schools; they will be put in a room that is dark and scary. A video will play showing the child the effects of their behavior and how it can turn into a serious problem. They would have to stay in this room until the video is over and once the video is over they will be sent back to play with the other kids. If they continue to display these signs they will get publicly humiliated by the authority in charge. The child will learn very quickly that those actions won’t be accepted. If the child continues to display this behavior after all of that this will result in physical punishment by the

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