Participants’ mean errors for the drag-and-drop and the keyboard were 7.06% (SD: 6.42%) and 1.81% (SD: 1.60%), respectively. This represents a 64.2% reduction in errors with the keyboard. There was a convincing statistical evidence for an effect of the input method on errors (t(15) = 3.5564, p<.01). Figure 5 summarizes the TLX questionnaire results. TABLE II NASA-TLX MEASURES COMPARISON (MEAN RESPONSES) BETWEEN THE DRAG-AND-DROP AND THE KEYBOARD. THE PERCENTAGE COLUMN SHOWS THE DECREASE RATE OF THE KEYBOARD. A NEGATIVE VALUE INDICATES AN INCREASE. E. Participants’ Preference After inputting the task with both input methods, participants completed a questionnaire about their overall experience with the keyboard. 75% of the participants indicated
As technology improves and time on the computer increases, symptoms for these diseases begin to appear more frequently. Sitting on the computer for hours on end makes you prone to developing a musculoskeletal disease since you are not being active or exercising your muscles. Ardahan and Simsek (2015) analyze the interaction and affect on excessive computer work and disease in the musculoskeleton. Their study includes 490 participants who work in a government office in Turkey, and observe how their bodies were reacting to their work environment, excluding workers who are already struggling with pain coming from a previous disease. Results were taken from the experiment by filling out questionnaires that attempted to document the level of discomfort that they experienced. More than 25% were discovered to not take a break during their session on the computer, but found that the average amount of time spent on the computer was 7 hours. The workers recorded musculoskeletal pain symptoms mainly in the neck area and back. Age was not a determinant factor when it came to being more prone to experiencing these symptoms. In some of the results, it was found that women are more likely to have pain in certain areas in comparison to men, and overall dealt with more pain. The data from the study proved that the more use you get on the computer, the more likely you are to develop symptoms of a disorder in your musculoskeletal system. To ensure that you don’t suffer through the pain, the results show that taking breaks from long computer usage is beneficial. It’s important to relax your muscles and keep them active instead of staring at a computer for more than 7 hours with no breaks in
STEIN, F., SODERBACK, I., CUTLER, S., LARSON, B., 2006. Occupational therapy and ergonomics. Applying ergonomic principals to everyday occupation in the home and at work. London: Whurr Publishers.
Since the first person heard the wind whistle through the trees or the sea in a seashell humans have been drawn to sound. Being the oppressive and ingenious species that we are we felt the need to capture these sounds and any others that we could to keep for our own. Eventually people like Pythagoras and gods such as Apollo found that by stretching materials and picking/plucking them that they would produce sounds and that the tighter you stretched these strings the higher the sound would go. These were the early beginnings of the pianoforte.
... read aloud, dictation to scribe, assistive devices, marks in book, braille/braille writer, magnification device, computer/word processor, testing in separate room, and large print.
The practice of evaluation is done to uncover empirical data that will guide decision-making and enhance the knowledge base on the topic of interest. The first, and arguably most important step in conducting an evaluation is determining the perspective from which data will be gathered. Several approaches exist and there is never a right or wrong method; however, predefining the evaluation objectives is crucial to discovering relevant conclusions (Friedman & Wyatt, 2006). Since this evaluation is occurring prior to implementation and is aimed at improving workflow, the desired goal is obtaining clinicians’ perceptions of usability of the most critical components of the CPOE.
...adoption is inevitable and will result in change. However, the adopter based theory argues that the technological superiority of a product or system may not lead to its adoption because of the "human, interpersonal, and social factors" involved in adopting a new technology in a certain social context (Surry and Farquhar, 1997, p.8 ). The QWERTY and Dvorak keyboard are an example of how technological superiority is often not enough for a new product or service to be adopted(Surry and Farquhar, 1997, p. 9). As one can see, these theories connect the diffusion theory to instructional technology. The question remains, do we adopt technology for technology’s sake and assume a change for the better or do we adopt technology when it is relevant to the learner’s environment and take our chances? "Risk is a final factor…in educational innovation"(Wright et al., 1995, p. 3).
In this Journal there was a study performed on early childhood students and their reaction to touch screen computers. The results were more negative rather than positive proving that it was more productive to use the mouse and keyboard for young children.
QDA software can have some impact on the researchers experience. This phenomena could interfere with the results of the research. One draw back called tactile-digital divide, which means learning to work on a personal computer instead of paper, could make research more difficult for some (Gilbert, 2002). In a study conducted by Linda Gilbert (2002), she found that researchers had a difficult time making the transition from using paper. She also found that this phenomena usually occurs when an individual first make the transition to using QDA software, and that the symptoms seem to go away after some time has passed.
The ability to describe and critically assess a design of any research trial can be beneficial in many various aspects. Firstly, it can assist in maintaining current knowledge through reading other empirical researches, developing critical and analytical thinking skills and to practice the research process in order to carry out further studies (Christensen et al., 2014). In the current trial, similar techniques will be employed to critically describe and assess the design in terms of raising any issues related to the experimental design. The present trial consists of an environmental psychologist hired to assess a data entry company’s employees work stations. The psychologist recommended ergonomic computer keyboards and ergonomic chairs to increase productivity and decrease negative physical symptoms. An experimental research was subsequently carried out to help the employer choose which ergonomic aid is more effective. This essay will attempt to critically assess the research design and suggest any possible improvements.
”Books will soon be obsolete in the schools...Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye. It is possible to touch every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture” (Thomas Edison). An idea that was destined for failure has now been made into the key source to get students and teachers more interacted while in a classroom setting. Tablets such as the iPad and the Microsoft surface have made this idea possible, showing students that there is another alternative to the traditional method which would be a printed version of the textbook. Tablets are portable computers that use a touchscreen as its primary input device, meaning that both keyboard and mouse are both physically located on the screen. Early Tablets were built to be used with a pen, today however tablets can be used with just one finger or multiple fingers with the support of multi touch input. Tablet have had a positive input on society especially students in school that are looking to get their work done in an engaging way and, not by moving a pen or pencil like it’s been done for decades. Tablets have proven to be the better tool for learning among students.
In the article by Chris Preston and Lee Mowbray (2008) a kindergarten classroom was the choice of installation of the interactive hardware. The justification for using this technology with Kindergarten children was their short attention span and the ability of the interactive whiteboard to keep them actively involved promoting learning (Preston and Mowbray 2...
Krashen’s affective filter theory as well as the input hypothesis, are relevant to this study because, as it is explained, technology tools will decrease anxiety and will provide a comprehensible message that will increase the learner’s motivation in the learning of the foreign language. Technology is beneficial and it is also an effective instruction tool because it can help special needs learners. The study also explores the many factors that determine the choice of using technology when learning languages, such as costs and different
Although there is not yet much empirical data on the relative benefits of touchscreen computers compared to desktop and laptop models, “learning theory suggests we can expect faster learning and greater knowledge transfer from learning on a touchscreen computer compared to one equipped with a keyboard and mouse” (Connell, 2012).
While taking a typing course in high school, the hardest part was remembering where each key was. I could never figure out why the typewriter keys were set up in the order they were, but once I learned the various keystrokes, it became second nature to type. Although, I still have trouble with some of the keys on the top row, such as numbers and symbols. This is probably because they aren't used as much as the others. Another difficult part was remembering to hit the return key when I wanted to go to the next line. Setting the tabs and margins properly could also be quite trying. Never in my wildest imagination could I have envisioned a typewriter that could wrap-around to the next line, automatically set margins, and even tell you when words are misspelled or used improperly. Now I know that there is no limit to what computers will be able to accomplish in the future. It will only take imagination and determination to make them do whatever we want them to do.