Narrative Essay On Orchestra Rehearsal

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I saw my phone light up out of the corner of my eye during that faithful weekly orchestra rehearsal in November. My stomach did flips as I tried to adhere to orchestra etiquette of no cell phone use during rehearsal, but I couldn’t help but look. I anxiously opened the text from my orchestra teacher while the conductor walked over to a section where I was out of his line of sight, only to see the words I had been dreading for the past three weeks. “I’m sorry, Esther. You didn’t make it.” I could feel my face turn bright red, paralyzed by the shock and disappointment. I silently sat in my seat for the rest of rehearsal, angry that I had no one to blame but myself for the outcome. My journey up to this point first commenced when I fractured the head of my radial bone and tore a tendon in my wrist at a trampoline park. As a musician, the worst thing that can happen right before audition season is getting any injury upwards of the hips. A broken foot or leg won’t obstruct your arms’ and hands’ capabilities of playing excerpts from Strauss’ “Eine Alpensinfonie Op.64”. I could feel myself becoming more distressed as the weeks of not being able to practice because of the plaster and fiberglass prison on my arm went by and the audition date grew closer. The fear of not being good enough to make state orchestra haunted …show more content…

I am no longer afraid to take hard courses at school head on, rather I value the education they provide that I will need in the future. I am no longer afraid to tackle difficult audition excerpts, instead I cherish the experience of having the opportunity to play such monumental orchestral pieces with individuals who share the same passion for music as I do. While I still may be faced with failure and loss, knowing that I am doing something because I truly want to and that I am performing to the best of my best capabilities with conviction and zeal, is the most gratifying deed I am able to

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