Narrative Essay On A Trip To Disney World

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In 2014, My family went on a trip to disney world for the first time. Before this trip we hadn't been farther than colorado for a weekend. When my dad told us we were going i will admit it didn't seem that exciting until a couple weeks before when we had to start packing and planning stuff. Making sure all the times were right and that my grandma was still ok with us going. We were only going to be gone for a week but that seemed like a really long time to us because we had never been that far away before or ridden in an airplane. Me and my brother were actually really scared, which quickly went away once it was the day to leave. The night before it was time i decided it would be a good idea to not sleep and watch the first final destination where the plane crashes which didn't help my fear. I finally fell asleep at 3am and had to wake up at 4 to make it to a flight at 6. When we got to the airport we followed all the rules put our bags on the bag cart and went through the metal detector and found our seats on the plane. Like i said i had never been on a plane before so i didn't realize how much faster it made the trip to florida. We had a layover in chicago and we were there for about 3 hours waiting and then we found out they gave our …show more content…

When the bus got there, they had a video for us to watch on the way to disney all about the history of disney and the characters. When we got the the resort which was a part of disney and we stayed in the biu themed hotel. We didn't do much our first day there we didn't go swimming though which was pretty fun. I never realized how hot it was in florida, i mean you hear about how hot it is but it's so hot that the water hangs in the air so when you sweat it doesn't fall it sticks to you. We spent that day realizing in the air conditioning because we had been there for 3 hours and i was already sun

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