Narrative Essay About Speeding

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Essay “Catch!”, I yelled at Griffin as I threw the keys at him as I was heading to the car before he could even get his shoes on. We started rushing over to our friend’s house to pick up our friends Natalie and Brooke. We had been planning on going to the cottage for the entire summer and it was finally time, as we arrived at Natalie and Brooke’s house they were already waiting outside so they just put their stuff in the back and we were on our way. We got onto the highway and were well on our way. Griffin was behind the wheel and began speeding because we were all excited and wanted to get up north as fast as possible so we got up to 95 before we had to start switching back and forth between lanes because people do not realize that the fast …show more content…

This being after we got subway we decided to take a detour through the backroads. Since these roads seemed to be nonexistent according to our G.P.S we just decided to wing it and to get back on the highway once we hit the next town. As we were driving we began to pick up speed again and pass cars one at a time. This was causing us no issue then all of a sudden there were no cars and our path appeared to be clear for at least a mile or two. So being dumb teenagers we decided to floor it and see how fast we could hit before we came across another car. As soon as the odometer reached 100 my heart began beating anxiously. This continued on for about 2 minutes and we had gotten up to 130 when we noticed a so Griffin went to slow down and …show more content…

We began to grow tired being that it had been a long day so we all decided to find a place to campout for the night when out of nowhere we hear a faint “Help Me”, coming from what sounded to be right next to us however this was no normal whisper this whisper was like one you would hear and eerie dull mutter in a modern day horror movie. This being we all began freaking out almost instantly and sprinted up the path as fast as we could without veering. The obnoxious growling that was being portrayed by whatever was following of us was not far behind. In attempt to lose the creature we made the executive decision to veer from the path. This only worked because we all turned our lights off trying to draw less attention to ourselves. After we ventured on for about a good 10 minutes we checked to make sure we were all still okay and still with the group. After we established that we were all in fact there we decided that we would begin to head back the direction that we thought we had come

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