Napoleon Paper

595 Words2 Pages

Although Napoleon had his negative effects, his overall performance in rising to power, making social reforms, and creating a legacy all had a positive effect on France and Europe. Napoleon proved himself to be a strong leader of France despite some the negative things that happened. During his time Napoleon took France out of the so called “dark ages” which proved him to be a great leader in the end.
On his rise to power Napoleon took it upon himself to make sure that the old government system called the directory was taken out because overall that system was doing no good to the already broken country.This taking out of the directory become known as a coup d’ etat. Napoleon quickly went into action making the French consulate and then to add on to that he made himself the first consul which eventually made him have all the power and allowed him to become emperor. On his way up, like every leader Napoleon had to fight in wars with other countries which in most he ended up winning. After taking control of most of Europe Napoleon continued to expand the lands of french territory and...

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