Essay On Napoleonic Wars

995 Words2 Pages

Napoleon ruled a vast empire throughout Europe. He fought in a number of big wars such as the war between France and Austria. Napoleonic wars had many adverse effects on fighting territories as well as other areas of the world. The wars affected many economic and political aspects of European countries. The paper discusses the effects of wars and other Napoleonic activities on the entire Europe. Napoleon controlled most of France and started to expand his empire from there. Britain and France, the most important and vast parts of Europe at the time, had very tough situations, which affected the trade relations and economies of both terrritories. Apart from Britain, Napoleon’s war against Russia resulted in a great disaster for the common citizens as well as Napoleon himself. The paper focuses on different wars fought by Napoleon and their corresponding effects on Europe’s different parts. Napoleonic wars continued for a long time and had various effects on European economy and politics etc. Some of the effects are still in existence.

Napoleon was very efficient and attained the greatest increase in his power during the end of 18th century. During 1792 to 1815 a number of wars were fought by Napoleon and he was extremely successful in those. This resulted in French hegemony over a major part of Europe. Napoleon’s power was increasing and attained the highest point in the year of 1810. Napoleon was a genius in military organization, and this was considered as the greatest reason of his success. “Napoleon executed a brilliant campaign of maneuver against Austrian and Sardinian forces in Italy and in the resultant treaty of Campo Formio forced Austria to cede the Austrian Netherlands (now Belgium and Luxembourg), which became the fir...

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... politics and culture etc. “The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars shaped the experiences and memories of many people, both men and women. It was because of this economic, political and societal impact that these wars played an important role in the collective memory of Europe, its regions and nations, well into twentieth century.” (Bavendamm, Hagemann and James).

Napoleon was a self-proclaimed successful emperor with a great desire for power. To fulfill his desire he fought a lot of battles for a long time. His governance and wars had many positive and negative effects on Europe. Where wars took a toll on economic and political stability of Europe, various laws and military strategies made by Napoleon proved to be good for Europe and these effects are still existing. It could be concluded that passion for power was reason of Napoleon’s rise as well as his downfall.

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