How Did Napoleon Impact Society

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Stability and sheer examples of greatness are the reasons why Napoleon's impact on France and Europe was monumental. He built structure and gave blueprints to modernize society. One could argue that Napoleon's impact was nothing but negatives and sheer violence. My perception is that he wanted to create balance in a traditional form.
People depicted Napoleon as "a war mad tyrant with the blood of thousands on his hands."(Connolly, pg. 1) Napoleon's overall goal was equality. He studied books on authoritarians and learned the specific subjects of math and science. Napoleon studied people such as Plato, Aristotle, Caesar, Charlemagne, and Voltaire. He trained in artillery and behind recognition of his military service he became a general. The experience and knowledge that he acquired made Napoleon well qualified to realize details and specifications. His love for knowledge and growth of intelligent made him a brilliant innovator. How could a person who researches, reads, and seeks additional knowledge not …show more content…

His steps toward his overall goal was by reshaping his army through hard work, preparation, and education. These are the same steps provided today and commonly regarded as ways to success. Under the Napoleonic government independence, parity, and opportunity was emphasized. Napoleon opened military and educational trade schools to all provinces "they lived and trained together as equals" (Connolly, pg. 85). Society was altered because social statuses and being a commoner no longer mattered. France became united, strong, and most important equal. Ultimately Bonaparte instilled direction and encrypted stability to a country which was virtually lost. An example of these accomplishments was the Napoleonic Code. In relation to the French Revolution slogan Liberty, Life, and Equality, It granted equal opportunities for rich and poor. This strategic code ensured that one would have a chance to gain wealth and

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