Napoleon Bonaparte's Internal Reforms

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Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the famous figures in French history by the importance of his internal reforms. However, he remains primarily in global memory as one of the greatest military commanders in history. Indeed, Napoleon Bonaparte delivered more battles than Alexander the Great, Hannibal, or Caesar. His campaigns covered all Europe from Spain to Russia, without forgetting the East with Egypt and Syria. The French Emperor entered in the prestigious capitals of Europe, Milan, Vienna (twice), Berlin, Madrid and Moscow. Napoleon has greatly influenced the Western way of war, not only by the new organization of armies, but also by the optimization of different capabilities and the combination between leadership and creativity in the battlefields. He did not hesitate, during the campaign, to modify its lines of operations. Gradually, when he progressed, he created temporary provisional storage lines, which allowed changing direction of attack without interruption in logistics. During the campaign of Poland, at the line of operation Warsaw-Thorn, he added another after the fall of Danzig . At planning level, Napoleon demonstrated the importance of logistics by the size of its staff. Four hundred officers on his staff took care of the smallest details of logistics , from planning until the delivery of rations to the troops and Before being fighter, Napoleon was a brilliant statesman, he knew what he wanted and aligned the necessary resources accordingly. The use of military force was for him the last resort. After having exhaust political means, he committed the maximum possible force to maximize the chance of the success of his campaign. He avoided making the same error than Austrians who have engaged against him, in 1796, only a segment of the available forces then a second and a third, what was easy to defeat in the

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